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Term 4

Week 4

This week in class we learnt how to decipher the perimeter and the area of a shape. We found out that you multiply two of the sides on a non-rectilinear shape to find the area. A rectilinear shape is an irregular shape made out of two basic geometric shapes.


In art this week, we focused on Myron. We drew a picture of an acient greek sculpture. These were copies as no real ones survived.


In English, we have been writing about a short clip called Alma. We have been planning a suspence story on. The dolls or Alma depending on our confidence!

Week 2

In art, we have been doing illustrations about the book and our own story. We have been using the technique of sketching to draw like Charlie Mackesy. We have also been using wet paintbrushes to shade our drawings and make them look better. We then went over the sketches with black pen to define the edges. Then we did the calligraphy writing from the drawing that we based our sketches on.



Week 1


In Deer class this week, we have learnt about Ancient Greece in English and Curriculum lessons. 

This week for maths, we have learnt about the different measurements and what purpose they serve: such as kg, g, tonnes and more.


In English, we have written a description about if you entered Greece as a trader. We included semi colons, parenthesis ,complex sentences thought about the different smells, tastes, fsights and noises. did you know the Ancient Greeks existed around for 2500 years ago and they conquered lots of cities and countries. Their food was mostly grown or from a different land because of the mountains. As they had no aeroplanes then, they sailed across the sea. We based tour writing on a greek city called Athens. We learnt about how Greece was very hard to build on and farm because of the amount of hills and mountains. The cities we located were called Marathon, Delphi, Athens and Cornith.

