Cadbury Heath Primary PTA Welcome
The aim of the PTA is to enhance every child’s experience of Cadbury Heath Primary School and make it the best that it can be. We do this by holding exciting events for all children and their families to participate in together, raising money to provide our school with additional resources to enhance learning and fun and giving children, parents and teachers a way to enjoy the social aspect of school life and also feel part of the wider community.
As a parent or carer with a child at Cadbury Heath and an interest in supporting our school, you are automatically regarded as a member of the PTA and are always welcome to come and share your ideas at our informal meetings. We are always in need of fundraising suggestions and volunteers to help with events and behind the scenes planning.
If you are unable to attend but wish to offer support please contact one of our committee members directly or by using our email:
Please also like our facebook page (Cadbury Heath Primary PTA) for the latest PTA news and to message the committee members:
Current committee members
Chairperson - Claire Blight
Treasurer - Kirsty Bullock
Secretary - Kerry Warren