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Term 6

Week 2

10th June - 14th June

This week we have started our new curriculum focus - How does your garden grow?

We have been learning about what plants need to survive, identifying trees and the structure of plants and trees. 

The children have been tree detectives, identifying trees by looking at different types of leaves. We have also conducted an experiment to see what cress will grow the best in different conditions.

Finally the children have planted beans, which we are going to observe growing!


In P.E hedgehogs have been using our teamwork heart value by guiding our partners around the school field. We have been linking learning with maths using directional language such as left, right, forward and backwards!


Week 3

17th June- 21st June

This week has been Arts Week! The children have been busy creating fantastic pieces of art with a variety of materials.

On Monday, half of the children sketched plants while the other half went hedgehog hunting!
On Tuesday, we held a parent learning afternoon. The children and their parents created some fantastic natural sculptures inspired by our artist Andy Goldsworthy.

On Wednesday, the children tried out oil pastels. They also had a special visitor, Mr Peers, who led a step-by-step drawing session.
On Thursday, the kids did some leaf rubbings with oil pastels. We then created another work of art as a class, inspired by our artist Andy Goldsworthy, with the leaf rubbings.
On Friday, the children spent a relaxing afternoon painting plants using powder paints.
I am extremely proud and amazed by all of the beautiful artwork the children have done this week!
