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Term 4

Week 6 25-28 March 2024

This week has been a fun last week of term! We did mini police which included beer goggles. It was really hard because we had to go around cones and try to catch a ball into our hats. The goggles were very difficult to see in and it was hard to pick up the ball. Later that day, there was our mini police graduation which we were awarded with a certificate. Also we got some stationary like a pencil and a pen so that we could use it and remember all of the fun we had doing mini police. As it is the last week we decorated boiled eggs for our school competition to win a prize. There were a lot of really good entries. Well done to Harry for winning the year 5 prize! 

Week 5 18-22 March 2024

This week has been a brilliant week! Jack Rutter the footballer came into our school. We did sports and we had to do different types of exercises. Later that day there was an assembly which we found out more about Jack Rutter and how he became a footballer. It was also odd sock day, there were different types of funny socks and colourful ones. We have started our new topic which is Ancient Greece. Our class have learnt that Ancient Greece was made up of islands. As it is almost Easter we learnt about Lent and all of the days there are to celebrate Easter. We started learning about holidays in French as well as different country names.


Bella brought in her French knitting she has been doing to share with the class too. 

Week 4 11-15 March 2024

This week we have been busy. We made human pyramids with a circus expert. First, we made our base strong so that we didn`t fall off when we got on top. Then we climbed on and raised our arms so that we are not holding on. When the police came in we did mini medics and learnt how to save someone. We learnt how to do CPR and how you know if you need to do it or not. The police bought in one of their medics to teach us safety.

Finally, Miss B showed us her book about her trip and what she saw. There were elephants, African Fish Eagles which are her favourite birds, giraffes, hippos and much more. She told us about  the hyenas that were being very cheeky.

Week 3 4-8th March 2024


On Monday, our parents came in for family learning day, and we read some books with them. In English, we started our new book called The Golden Cage. As a class we explored and read the book together.

On Tuesday, in maths we used short division method to work out big calculations. We did 2 digit-4 digit divided by 1 digit numbers.

On Wednesday, it was a busy day because we had Ellie Jackson the author on the screen. She told us about her books and about how she decided to use the animals she wrote about in her books. During mini police,  we went out in the community to do litter picking. Then we went on our school grounds to  do some more. We found loads of litter which didn't smell that great. Next, after school some children came back to school for book at bedtime.

On Thursday, it was world book day! There were amazing costumes that people made themselves. 

On Friday, there was a poet on the screen and we could read his books with him. The whole school enjoyed it!

Week 2 : 26 February - 1 March 2024

On Monday we went to Cadbury Heath library, when we got there we had a look at all the books. We played some games and had a look around. All together we talked about non-fiction, fiction, adventure, fantasy, and more. We did head shoulders knees and toes along with a ukulele. 


On Tuesday, we headed off to the HQ in Clevedon. First, we met a loving horse called Steel. we also learnt that horses get scared of items which seem totally safe to us . Next, we went to see the drones. Did you know that drones can see from miles away? After, we went to see the dogs .Their names were Thor, Ella, Sid and Marshie. We learned that dogs can have many different jobs like searching for lost items and people. We also did road safety and then we did a quiz on our knowledge on how to be safe on the road.


On Wednesday, the police came in to teach us about criminal age and how old you have to be to get in trouble with the police. In English, we started writing our persuasive speech  to make a argument about how litter should stop and how it affects animals.


On Thursday, we started our new book called the golden cage. We all loved to see the different birds .


On Friday, in maths we started doing dividing 2 and 3 digits by 1 digit using short division. Later that day it was celebration assembly for our value honesty! We have had a great week!


Week 1: Monday 19 - Friday 23 February 2024

This week we have been writing our own persuasive speeches based on the effects litter has on our school and community environment. We completed the athletics trials on Thursday 22 February and a lot of fun was had by all members of Fox class. We have wrapped up our Science learning and watched a real live heart beating during a heart transplant. 
