Term 1
Friday 20th October 2023
This week was Science week at CHPS! Fox class were being scientists this week, learning all about the three states of matter (solids, liquids and gases). We planned/did experiments, making predictions about what we thought would happen. These experiments were:
- Finding out which materials are soluble/insoluble (which dissolve)
- Finding out which materials can be separated from water using filtering, sieving or evaporation
- Discovering if we can create crystals from salt we have separated
We even had a family learning day where the adults came in so we could teach them all about the Science we've been doing!
We also played endball games and practised dance routines in PE. In English, we read the picture book Leon & the Place Between and wrote a diary recount as Leon. In Maths, we were practising using the inverse to problem solve. Finally, we evaluated our Anglo-Saxon shields we created in DT last week ready for a display.
We hope you have an amazing half term! (Pictures will be added after half term!)
Friday 13th October 2023
We have had a great week in Fox class!
This week in Maths we did addition and subtraction with exchanges. In English, we did writing about a book called Leon and and learned about the different tenses.
In Geography, we did map work on Anglo-Saxon Kingdoms and learnt about where they ruled. In DT we made our Anglo-Saxon shields and we painted them the Anglo-Saxon colours. In RE we learned about the Fourth Pillar of Islam which is called Sawm and we learned about Ramadan, Eid and fasting. In PE, we did end ball and dance when we did partner dances. On Wednesday we had Matt come in and teach us about our mental health.
We hope you have an awesome weekend!😃😀
Week 5
We have had another busy week in Fox Class! In English we have been reading 'Leon and the Place Between' which we are loving. After a lot of speaking and listening activities, we have written a short retelling of the story. In History, we have started to learn about the Anglo-Saxon Kingdoms and how they defended themselves against enemy invaders. We have studied shields and have designed our own that we are going to begin to make next week. We were really lucky to have a Tag-Rugby session on Tuesday and had a great time practising our skills.
Friday 29th September 2023
We have had an awesome week in Fox class. In Maths, we did rounding to 100,000,10,000,1,000,100 and 10. In English, we did Poetry all about our different emotions. In Art we drew a statue of Boudica who was the warrior of the Iceni tribe. We also presented posters about Boudica to Badger class. In Geography, we explored where the Iceni tribe ruled and all of the other tribes around them by comparing it to a modern Uk map. In computing, we talked about computer systems. In PSHE, we spoke about rewards and consequences. In RE, we learned about the second pillar of Islam which is Salah, where they pray 5 times a day. In PE we did netball and dance where we copied the movements of ribbon.
Have a lovely weekend!
Friday 22nd September 2023
It was a fun week in Fox class! In English, we practised fronted adverbials, and wrote a narrative and a setting description based on a book called Journey. In Maths, we did number lines to 1,000,000 and comparing and ordering numbers with values in ten thousands. In RE, we learned about Shahada (the belief in one God). We also sketched a small section of a Boudica statue (the warrior Queen of the Iceni tribe) and then practised tone. We then improved by drawing the whole statue which we will continue next week. In History, we learned about the Battle of Watling Street, which was between the Romans and the Iceni. Did you know that The Celts had 200,000 soldiers and still were defeated by the Romans who had 10,000? In PE, we did endball and practised transitions in dance to upbeat music. In PSHE, we learned about our rights and responsibilities as children. Finally, we discussed spam emails in Computing.
As a fun surprise, we were trained how to use our brand new PlayPod equipment which was really fun! We have enjoyed playing with it at lunchtimes.
We hope you have a lovely weekend!
Monday 11th September - Friday 15th September 2023
In English, we have been learning about expanded noun phrases and used them to write a diary entry at the end of the week. In maths we have been practising solving problems with numbers up to 100,000. In curriculum, we learned all about the Celts - where they lived, how they found food and what happened when they went into battle. On Friday, we had special visitors in school to introduce us to martial arts. In RE, we have started to think about the religion of Islam and what we will be learning about this term. We have loved PE this week! We played a game called 'End Game' using balls and goals - we had to wok together as a team. In dance, we practised our movements to Samba music.
Friday 8th September 2023 - welcome back!
We have had such a fun first week in Fox class! In English, we started to read 'I was There: Boudica's Army' and described Kassy, a young girl living in the Iceni tribe during the Iron Age! We also made freeze frames to retell the story. In Maths, some of us were learning about Roman Numerals and partitioning numbers up to 10,000, whereas others were partitioning numbers up to 1000 and learning multiples of 1000.
Our first Curriculum topic is about Boudica, the warrior queen of the Iceni tribe, and we were introduced to who she was. We also learned about different Celtic tribes and the roundhouses that they lived in. Did you know that Celtic tribes fought naked?! We experimented with tone in Art, using different shading techniques to create more realistic drawings. We went outside and drew objects from nature using tone. In PSHE, we discussed the importance of school and celebrated our own unique talents/interests we have at school. Finally, in PE, we did lots of fun team-building games. We even had a whole school quiz on Friday afternoon!
We look forward to another fun week at CHPS!