Hedgehog Class (Y1)
Welcome to Hedgehog Class
A warm welcome to Hedgehog class page!
My name is Miss Tillson and I am very excited to teach in Cadbury Heath Primary, year 1 this year. My favourite subjects are phonics because I love reading, P.E and Music.
When I am not helping children to learn or dancing and singing in the classroom I love to take my dog Toby for a walk or swim in the river.
In our class we are supported by Miss Lewis in the mornings who also loves her dog.
PPA afternoons are on Wednesdays when we will Mrs Burch teaching R.E and Mike teaching P.E.
We also have P.E on Fridays with me!
Please have a look at all our learning every week!
Term 6 - Week 6
This week we were keen geographers and looked around our environment for physical and human. We found things such as trees and creatures that were created by the world, we call these physical. Human features such as walls and buildings are created by humans.
We enjoyed the sun and even got to see our new dog Audrey! She was so cute!
Last week next week!
Term 6 - Week 5
This week we have continued on our focus with community heroes.
We discussed how people in our community can help us and keep us safe.
We had a visit from our local PCSO, who explained his role as a police officer.
We discussed how they help people and keep them safe, not that they throw naughty children in jail.
We also talked about how they might help us, or when we might need them.
Term 6 - Week 4
This week we have been looking at our focused artist BANKSY!
We used 'Build, Challenge and Agree' to discuss what we thought of graffiti. We listened to peoples ideas and opinions and thought about what makes it good or bad.
We then wrote down some ideas and even had a debate about it.
We then got to make our own Tag, this is a nickname or name you use as a graffiti artists and we used pencils to design and create our own.
In maths we began to use stem sentences when learning about groups. We counted the groups and counted how many in each group. We discussed that groups are fair and must be equal. We used resources to count out and share amounts in groups.
Term 6 - Week 3
This week has been very busy in hedgehog.
We have continued our 'Community Heroes' unit and been thinking about people and our bodies.
We began to look at the features of our bodies including our body parts and how they help us stay alive and be healthy.
As scientists we looked at different drinks. Each drink has an amount of sugar inside of it, and we had to measure out the sugar content in the drinks. We started a march to get people to "RETHINK YOUR DRINK!"
We created a display to show how much sugar was in each drink!
We also looked at healthy and unhealthy food groups and talked about what makes a balanced plate.
Term 6 - Week 2
This week has been so busy, we have been thinking about our new unit of work - 'Community Heroes'
We looked at some of our books that we will be focusing on including Superworm and Tractionman.
We discussed what a hero is and what makes someone heroic. We also talked about what local heroes we have in our community.
We have been developing our understanding of measure and bagan to use weight and mass to measure objects. We used scaled and developed our oracy to say lighter and heavier as well as balanced.
In science we used big pieces of paper to draw the human body, we labelled body parts as well as some organs and bones. We then discussed what are senses are and how they keep us safe.
Term 6 - Week 1
*** ARTS WEEK***
This week has been all about The Arts!
Focusing on the Queen Elizabeth's Platinum Jubilee.
Our focus was: 2002 - 2012
We developed new skills such as sewing, material cutting, shaping and textured layers.
We made various art projects such as, a crown, flag and helicopter made from collaged materials. We also drew an outline of London landmarks and sewed them onto materials.
We also used glue guns to add layers to materials.
We acted out an epic James Bond scene with Queen Elizabeth to show the London Olympics in 2012, and James Bond in 2007/2008.
We ended up making an awesome class parachute with the Queen and James Bond jumping out of the helicopter and will be displaying our amazing work on a display soon.
Term 5 - Week 6
This week we focused on the storybook 'Tidy' all about a tidy badger.
We used talk-for-writing to retell the story using our story map.
We used actions and followed along to tell the story, including our punctuation kung-fu!
In maths we have continued on with measure and used rulers to find the length of items using cm.
We were surprised to analyse our science experiment this week. We predicted that the seeds without any sun or water would not grow. But actually the one without sunlight did grow. It was very yellow and we think it would not grow much longer and would not be as strong as the plants with sunlight.
In art we began to look at the work of William Morris and how we create wallpaper as well as furniture and rugs. We planned and designed our own pattern that we then pressed into a potato ready for our printing.
Then we created a repeating pattern just like William.
Term 5 - Week 5
This week we have been amazing mathematicians and have been measuring.
We went out into the environment and measured items including leaves, sticks and flowers.
We used our oracy skills to explain if our items were longer, shorter, taller or shorter.
In English we had a publishing session where we edited our writing using purple polish, then we carefully published our work onto posh display paper.
We then annotated and created beautiful art onto our work ready for display.
In RE we were looking at places of worship including churches and synagogues. We looked at what Jewish people wear and made our own Kippahs, which is a special hat they wear.
Term 5 - Week 4
We have been looking at our book some more all about seasons. We used our senses to describe what we would see in the woods at different times of the year.
We were keen scientists and looked at how plants grow in much more detail. We went into our environment to see the different stages of the growing plants and trees. We recognised some common plants too such as daisy, bluebell, clover and buttercup.
We planted some of our own seeds and have been looking at them each day to see if they are growing. We also created a science experiment to see if plants would grow without water or sun or both, we made predictions and discussed why we thought this.
In geography we have been looking at the weather and what different weather we recognise in each season. We looked at pictures and videos of storms, rain, snow and heatwaves and how this effects the environment.
Term 5 - Week 3
We have been learning more about season, and focusing on our key text 'Tree, seasons come, seasons go." We looked at signs of spring and wrote sentences in a non-chronological report. We used sub-headings and key vocabulary to present our work clearly.
In maths we carried on counting in 2s and developed this by counting in 5s. We used our steps to success to answer our questions.
We were amazing scientists this week and explored plants. We labelled the parts of the plant and what they need to survive.
In jigsaw this week we have though about loneliness and what makes people lonely for mental health awareness week.
Term 5 - Week 2
Our first week of our new unit was very exciting. We got out and about in our environment to look for signs of spring. We found shoots and blossoms and even a birds nest. We discussed how it had changed from winter to spring and what differences we could spot.
In maths we have been counting in 2s, following our steps to success we counted the groups and counted in 2s to find the answer. We also developed our independent skills by using our marking station to see if we were on track or needed more help.
In English we have been using ing and ed words to describe the trees and woods in the different seasons. We loved describing the animals and plants.
Term 5 - Week 1
Back with a bang, and our first ever school trip!!
We went to Bristol Museum and looked at the fossils, dinosaur bones and animals.
We found out about Mary Anning and how her work was first displayed in the Museum and even what fossils were found near Bristol.
In English we write a recount of our trip and used photos and oracy to explain what we did during the day in order.
We also wrote some interesting sentences about what we liked best from our trip.
In maths we were ordering numbers and used our steps to sucess to find the smallest, next biggest and biggest number.
Term 4 - Week 6
Wow what an awesome last week!
We used our knowledge to make a timeline of Mary Anning's life. We used oracy to discuss her life as a significant person and explained our timelines by using 'past, present future' and saying how significant Annie is in the present.
We made some amazing fossil designs by considering what our skeleton bones would look like. We used various artefacts, pictures and books to support our design process. Then we created a fossil into clay by pushing tools and items into the soft material to create a pressed stamp. This was out finished clay fossil.
Term 4 - Week 5
This week we have been quizzing ourselves to see what we have learnt, we used different ways including plickers that we love. We saw what knowledge we could remember from being historians, scientists and geographers.
We learnt more about Mary Anning's life and said what were happy or sad memories or moments in time. We looked at her discovery and even made the shape of the animal bones to show how big it was. We used oracy to discuss her life as a significant person.
We began to learn about David Attenborough and how he discovered some creatures and even some dinosaurs.
We visited the ICT suite which was awesome and we used our geography knowledge to be technicians and explore google earth.
We also explored independent learning and used skills we had learnt in the classroom in our own discovery time.
Next week - clay!!!
Term 4 - Week 4
his week has been very busy. We have been writing instructions for growing a dinosaur. We used time words and adverbials to explain and be clear with our instructions. We used 'bossy' language to show people what they needed to do.
In maths we have been writing numbers as words and having a go at numbers up to fifty. We also wrote how many tens and ones were in each number and made them using different resources.
We have been keen scientists too learning more about fossils and different animals. We compared birds and fish and looked at things that are the same and different.
This is called classifying animals and we even looked at animal skeletons as well as what they eat.
We read a book about Mary Anning and next week will learn more about her life events.
Term 4 - Week 3
We have continued on with our wonderful instructions and have been developing our oracy with giving people clear and specific instructions on how to was your hands.
We have also been planning for our writing next week on 'How to grow a dinosaur!'
In maths we have loved doing some messy maths where we have used part,part,whole and various resources to represent our numbers to 50.
We have loved being historians and scientists this week learning about Mary Anning who was a famous archaeologist who lived in England. We used drama to act our her early life and perform her fossils being sold in London.
We then found where she lived on a map and discussed how dinosaurs lived all over the world in all 7 of our continents.
Next week we will continue our fossil hunting!
Term 4 - Week 2
This week we began our new theme ' Did dinosaurs exist? We discussed what we already know about dinosaurs and what we might find out.
We considered why they are extinct and how people learn about them.
In writing we started learning about instructions and developed our understanding about clear instructions for making a jam sandwich.
We then wrote out some sentences considering good language to use such as 'first, next, then'
In maths we continued our learning within tens and ones and developed our understanding around place value by making numbers in different ways. Such as partitioning, deins and tens frames.
In phonics we have been putting sound buttons on our segmented words to support with our decoding.
As scientists we have been looking at materials and sorting them.
We used a Venn diagram to sort them into different categories depending on their material. We even made some overlap as some items were made of more than one material.
Term 4 Week 1
What a great way to start the new term! We have been so busy learning about Alice's adventures in wonderland.
We fully explored our amazing pop-up book and talked about the story and the characters.
In English we wrote some character descriptions thinking about the characters features and also personality.
In art we used previous skills of sketching to draw some of the characters, these were really lovely pictures and we used different pencils to make lighter and dark parts.
In maths we have continued our knowledge with numbers to 50 and counting back using dice. We also used number-lines to find less. We explored tens and ones and will continue with this next week.
Thursday we dressed up and had a lovely day being in character, we even had a tea-party with activities and cake decorating!
Next week................................ D I N O S A U R S ! !
Term 3 - Week 7
Wow our last week of our epic topic, and what a way to finish this amazing learning than with a real life fire!
We then used our senses to describe the fire and wrote these into poems.
We then tried some different breads and looked at some recipes before deciding what bread to make ourselves.
We then used that knowledge to create our own recipe.
Once we had the ingredients we made our own bread and baked it on the oven.
Then we got to taste and share our creations.
We absolutely loved finishing off the week with such practical DT and eating our own bread, just like the bakery on Pudding Lane.
Term 3 - Week 6
This week we have been working hard on our poems and performance skills. We having be continuing a rhyme using our own ideas, such as people running, people running, to the river, to the river! We then took our time to write them up in best for our display.
In maths we have used tens frames to show counting on, we found this really great way to count quickly by saying 'ten, 11,12,13' and it works with numicon and even deins too.
We were able to add numbers together and show this in our real story maths story.
As it has been express yourself Mental Health week, we have been finding time to be calm and breathe as well as write about who supports us when we feel low.
In our learning area we have been looking at maps and finding England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales on a map of the UK.
We also began to look at different breads in DT to decide what flavour bread we would like to make and bake next week, we can't wait for that!!
Term 3 - Week 5
Wow we have had another busy week!!
Looking at the map of London this week was amazing using maps, photos, google maps, google earth. We then used our map skills to draw and map and even make a key.
We have also been developing our colour mixing to make the effect of fire and smoke, which we added to our previously made houses.
In English we have used our poetry skills such as rhythm, rhyme and pattern to make our own poems. We will be performing them to the class next week!
Outside we have been acting out the wake up morning of The Great fire and describing what we can see and smell before rowing off in boats along the Thames.
Next week we will develop our DT skills like the bakery in Pudding Lane to consider how bread is made!
Term 3 - Week 4
We have been learning about Samuel Pepsy and how he wrote a diary in 1666.
We watched videos and read books about him and discovered he wrote in a code!
We decided to write a diary like we were Samuel and used all our writing skills including editing.
In maths we have been developing our knowledge of part part whole for teen numbers and building them using concrete tens and ones. We then wrote it out pictorially in our books and wrote the number next to it.
In phonics we have been doing some sentence writing, using the new digraphs we have been learning including a-e e-e and i-e ( we have been calling them rainbow sounds).
We have been thinking lots about London in 1666 and next week we will be developing an understanding of London now and then.
Term 3 - Week 3
This week we have been as busy as ever! The children have been fully immersed into The Great Fire of London.
We have written about waking up in London filled with smoke, using our senses to describe what we saw. We develop our writing in the past tense and purple polished to edit our work too!
In maths we have been adding teen numbers using real story maths story and using our try it, use it, prove it to develop our misconceptions.
In the learning area we have loved developing our skills through play based activities. Such as writing and drawing about the fire and 1666, building towers and statues in London.
In art we have been making fire by colour mixing to lighten and darken our colours. Using different tools to create different effects.
We are excited for next week to learn more about 1666 and how London burnt down!
Term 3 - Week 2
This week has been ever so busy in Hedgehog class!
We have been so busy in DT looking at Victorian toys and how they are made. We decided to make shadow puppets. We used paper and wooden sticks and cut around shapes that we could make shadows with.
In maths we have been looking at teen numbers, and how these look using practical concrete resources. We worked in partners to make numbers up to 20 using deins.
In our continuous provision we have been so busy at work making and creating many wonderful things. Such as mud pies using leaves, mud, sticks and ice! We have been using pallets and various lose part play to create dens and imaginative places to go on an adventure!
In English we have been finishing off our curriculum theme and writing adventure stories. Linking them to our own ideas. We wrote amazing sentences to create a story that takes the reader on a magical journey!
Next week we start our new focus - The Great Fire of London!!
Term 3 - Week 1
Welcome back to our wonderful Hedgehogs after a Christmas break.
It was only a short week but we certainly got back into our amazing learning!!
We have been developing our group work in our continuous provision and been building amazing building. We have used the loose parts to create cities filled with different sized buildings and castles.
We used our phonics skills to blend and segment words using our knowledge and even challenged ourselves to write some sentences.
In English we reminded ourselves what sentences need and make a list of the things to remember when writing sentences. We then wrote in our writing area and some children wrote shopping lists and some wrote party invitations.
In maths we looked at shape and used the resources to make different shapes that we could remember. We then put the shapes into piles depending on the number of sides.
In PE we looked at balancing some more and even created a sequence within groups!
More fun next week, and 5 whole days of learning too!!
Term 2 - Week 7
Wow what a crazy last week in school!!
We really made use of our learning area and were taking photos of our creations.
We have been writing Christmas lists, writing letters to the Elf and Father Christmas using skills we have previously learnt.
In History we have been writing a timeline to compare Christmas from 1870 to Christmas in 2021.
We looked at some of the toys people would have had, and used our oracy to say how life was different.
In Art we made Christmas decorations from scratch and then painted them too. We also used our sketching skills to draw some of the toys from Victorian times and describe what they were made from.
For our last day we had a party and played some really fun games!!
See you next year for more fun and learning!!
Term 2 - Week 6
This week we have worked soooo hard on our Christmas nativity and everyone absolutely loved it!
In our continuous provision area we have been working very hard to consolidate our sticky knowledge and using some resources to remember previous learning in our curriculum work.
Our new key text is all about a toy museum and old toys going on an adventure. We have been looking at old toys and comparing them to the toys we have today. We looked at the style, shape, size and also the materials they are made from.
We have been thinking about timelines and using previous knowledge considering a timeline from 1870 to 2021 and saying which toys would go in which year.
In maths we have been developing our skills with number problems and finding the easiest ways to work out different number sentences.
We also had our Christmas jumper day which was so much fun, and we can't wait for our last festive week of school before we break up for Christmas!
Term 2 - Week 5
This has been such a busy week, we have been focusing mainly on our Christmas Nativity!!
Alongside lots of singing and dancing we have been taking our own photos on the ipad of our learning in the Continuous Provision.
In maths we have been doing lots of practise on our number bonds to 10 and 20! Playing games, making number cards, writing number lines and also using resources in 'Messy Maths'
In English we have been talking about The Queen some more and writing more letters to people telling them all about London, the capital city of England.
In Geography we have been thinking more about the UK and finding our city, country and school on different maps and atlases.
Term 2 - Week 4
We have been very busy this week getting ready for our Christmas KS1 performance so have been singing, dancing and acting everyday this week!
This week we have been looking at a book about the Queen's hat. It travelled all around London, so we made a story map and made some actions to remember the story.
We have been spending lots of time in our continuous provision, exploring the areas and making some London sculptures using different materials.
In maths we have been finding less by taking away. We have also looked at 'the difference between' by comparing numecon. This practical maths has really helped us visualise what finding the difference means. We also found the difference between different items such as our shoes and height.
In art we have continued our collage skills and used the outdoor leaves to make various pictures. They were so cool, we made animals and faces and even names using leaves!
In history, we learnt more about Queen Victoria and 'hot seated' her to ask questions. We used our oracy skills to ask and answer questions.
Term 2 - Week 3
This week we have been learning about London.
We have already found it on a map, but we watched some videos, looked at some pictures and found more out about the city of London.
As we read our new text 'A walk in London' we were immersed into the capital city of England and wondered around the streets to find some local buildings.
We used our oracy skills to act-out our story and this helped us to retell the text in our recount sentences.
In maths we have been taking away by crossing out amounts using real story maths story in our books.
In art we learnt about collage and had a go using paper and tissue paper. We made London landmarks using this collage effect to develop our skills.
Term 2 Week 2
This week we have been busy continuing our poppy topic and looking at some poetry.
In English We read the poem ' In Flanders fields' and circled the words we really loved, we then coloured behind black to make these words pop out. This made black-out poems that were so effective.
In maths we have been jumping on to find more than. We used our steps to success to remember how to complete each challenge.
In art this week we looked at our Artist 'Georgia O'Keeffe' who was famous for flower and still life drawings. We used these ideas to make our own art.
In phonics we made some mess by cutting out some real words and fake words, we had to read each word to see if it was real or made up.
Term 2 - Week 1
Our first week back has been so busy indeed. We have been focusing on our new book
'Where the poppies now grow' and learning about remembrance.
We used our oracy skills to discuss what we know about poppies and how we can remember the people who helped us.
We made a stage area in our classroom and have been developing our acting skills as a class.
In maths we have been continuing our adding and number bonds, using real story maths story.
We use resources to help represent our sentences.
In phonics we have been working hard to write sentences and build words. We have been reminding ourselves that we cannot blend (sound out) a red/tricky words and have been beating our time to say them quickly.
In history we have talked about the symbol of the poppy and what it represents. We thought about words that make us think of the poppy such as hope, war, sadness and remember.
In English, we talked about 'hearts, minds and voices' and considered the characters feelings and thoughts in the different settings.
Term 1 - My world
Term 1 Week 6
This week in Hedgehog class we have been developing our skills and embedding our learning.
In English we have been looking at our lovely new key text 'The Once Upon a Time Map Book' and using our skills from Geography to explore the maps. We then wrote a list of what we could see in some of the areas. As we are so good at writing we then wrote some amazing sentences about what we could see!
We have been writing some number sentences and thinking about how we can balance the scales to show equals.
" Both sides need to be the same" Lyla
"You can move the add like magic" Archie
" If you put the numecon on top it can be the same" Tanner
In History we have been thinking about timelines and how we have changed in our lives.
We have been discussing what important events have happened in our lives such as baby brothers and sister being born.
In P.E we have been using our core strength for balance. We also support our partners and encourage them to try hard and improve.
The last week of term is next week and we have so much more to fit in before the break!
Term 1 Week 5
This week in our class we have been super busy learning new skills.
In English we have been writing invitations to parties, weddings and baby showers thinking about the features and what to include. With this we have been writing dates and places and even lists of what people should bring.
Phonics has been amazing, we have been building and reading words using ai and ee such as rain and leek and writing them into sentences.
In maths this week we have been looking at adding, including number bonds and number families.
" If we add numbers together they get bigger" Myah
"We can use the same numbers in the family and change them around" Archie
"If we write equals we have to check its the same both sides" Phellie
In Geography we created a map of our school using a key to show symbols such as trees, slides and playgrounds.
In Science we went out to look at the changes of Autumn and found some leaves and conkers!
Next week we are doing some History thinking about timelines as well as lots more amazing learning!
Term 1 Week 4
This week in Hedgehog class we have been looking at a new book
'The Jolly Postman' and looking at all the letters he delivers.
We were thinking about the features of a letter and talking about why we might send letters.
"The stamp is to send it" Iris
"The top is for the bears so it gets to them" Henry
"We can write Bristol to send a letter to us!" Leighton
In maths we have been comparing numbers and saying which number is biggest or smallest in value. We have made amounts and been writing in our books 'real story, maths story.'
The continuous provision is adapting each week and now we have ben taking our own photos of our learning to share with the class.
Next week we are looking at invitations, we can't wait!
Term 1 Week 3
Another busy week in Hedgehog class!
We have dived deeper into our story 'What the Ladybird heard' and the children have been writing postcards as the Ladybird.
In Phonics we have been challenging ourselves to read some short stories and seek the sound.
"I can find the ch sound in chick!' Tanner
"Fish has a sh and I'm having fishfingers for lunch." Myah
In maths we have been comparing numbers and follow on along a number line. We even challenged ourselves to count backwards as well as forwards.
In Geography we looked some more at maps and the UK, we found England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales!
In our learning area we have been thinking outside the box to make a BBQ and cake stall. Working as a team to build as well as tidy.
Next week we are focusing on a new story book and can't wait to share all our new learning!
Term 1 Week 2
Another busy week in Hedgehog class this week. We have been diving in deep with our new topic, especially with Geography. We explored our school environment and even made some notes and sketches.
We are excited to say that with more freedom we have been able to visit our school library and read and shared some story books and non-fiction books.
"I love the library its so cool!" Hudson
"We made a castle in the sandpit and mixed water with sand and it was like cement!" Henry
In English we have been writing some shamazing sentences about what the Ladybird heard and will be building up to write a postcard!! See if you can spot our tricky words.
Maths this week we have been thinking about one more and one less and using all the resources under the sun to show this! We make such a mess when we learn, but that's okay because we are so good at tidying up.
We look forward to next week when we learn and explore even more!!
Term 1 Week 1
Our first week in Year 1 has been very busy indeed!
"We played with the mud kitchen outside" Iris
"We wrote some numbers and did counting and our new maths books!" Archie
"I love the P.E in the hall running around and racing and jumping" Yamman
As you can see, we have been exploring our new classroom area. We also met the Phonics Fairy who comes and helps us with our reading!
We have loved our first week and look forward to all the learning next week.