Fox Class (Y4)
Welcome to Fox Class!
Class Teacher: Miss Bennett
I have the pleasure of teaching Fox Class this year and I am looking forward to all the amazing and exciting learning that is going to be happening throughout the year! I also lead science in our school, where I work hard to make sure that lots of practical and engaging science lessons are happening!
PPA day: Tuesday afternoon. The children will PE coach Mike and another school adult during this time.
PE days: Tuesday and Thursday afternoon. Please send your children into school with their kits on ready.
Friday 24th June - week 3:
This week in English we have been finishing our Viking fact file and gathering ideas for an upcoming piece of writing. In maths, we have been going out in our groups to do our multiplication check on the I-pads. Miss Bennett has been really impressed with our efforts! During topic, we have been starting to focus on electricity and we were able to use lots of different components to build an electric circuit. This week, in guided reading, we had another whole class debate of whether or not cars should be driven at night time. We remembered to be respectful when sharing our points and used lots of great sentence starters when it was our turn to talk. Today, we had a class picnic outside to celebrate our great efforts during the multiplication check and we enjoyed lots of nice treats and different drinks.
We hope that you have a lovely weekend!
Friday 17th June 2022 - week 2:
This week in English, we have been gathering a range of vocabulary and complex sentences so that we can re-write a chapter of our story 'Viking Boy'. During our math lessons, we have been converting fractions into decimals and this has helped us understand how a decimal is made. In topic, we have been note taking to eventually write an outstanding fact file about the Vikings. On Thursday, we had someone come in and teach us a street dance routine and in the afternoon we had a singing coach come in to teach us how to sing - a member of Fox Class was super brave and sang in front of the whole school! Whilst we were doing our busy learning throughout the week, we had to do some times tables practice to help us in our upcoming times tables test. We have have had a busy week of learning but have had lots of fun doing it and had an amazing week, especially when we got to do our maths learning outside on a sunny day!
We hope you have a lovely weekend with all the lovely sun!
Fox class🤍
Friday 10th June - week 1:
We have had such a brilliant Arts Week celebrating the Queen's Platinum Jubilee and learning about what life was like during the decade of 1972 - 1982.
We started the week by learning about who the Queen is, her family and what her role is. During our given decade, the Queen celebrated her Silver Jubilee and so we found a portrait of her on this day of celebration and used our pencil techniques to draw the other half of her portrait. We looked really carefully at the half we were given and used this to help us.
During Arts Week, we listened to a range of 70s music such as: Abba, Jackson 5, Fleetwood Mac, Elvis, Queen and then we learnt the song 'Schools out for summer' by Alice Cooper. We are so lucky to have Miss Lewis working in our class and she taught us all of the sign language to the song. We rehearsed this lots and then performed this in our whole school assembly on Friday - please ask us at home to perform the song to you!
Fox Class also found out that during 1970, the graffiti art of 'Tagging' became really popular so we spent time learning how to draw letters in different graffiti styles and then used our skills to create our own 'tag'. We will be putting out graffiti tags altogether a canvas wall piece.
Thank you all so much for joining us for our Jubilee picnic on the field and we hope that you all have a lovely, sunny weekend!
Fox Class
Friday 27th May - week 6:
What a brilliant last week of Term 5 it has been! With the excitement of half term, we have still continued to focus in class and produce some brilliant learning! In the pictures below, you will see some examples of our beautifully published topic work explaining who the Vikings were. Alongside our information paragraph, we drew a picture of a longboat and annotated the different parts of the boat. We have been doing lots of multiplication learning in class too and have been working hard to improve our scores! In topic, we created a questionnaire ready to ask people in Term 6 to help us gather information on how best to create a healthy packed lunch as part of our DT learning!
We hope that you have a lovely half term!!
Fox Class
Friday 20th May - week 5:
This week in English, we have been writing setting descriptions about Valhalla and Helheim using complex sentences, similes and expanded noun phrases. During our maths lessons, we have been subtracting fractions from a whole amount. We were using the STS to help us get our answers. In topic, we have been taking notes to write an information paragraph about the Vikings. In our guided reading lessons, we had a debate on whether or not Pokemon cards should be allowed in schools and at the end we voted to see how many people voted for 'yes or no'. We have had many champion learners this week that have got on our jigsaw pieces.
We have had a very busy week this week and we hope next week will be the same.
Fox Class😄
Friday 13th May 2022 - Week 3:
This week in English, we have been writing a letter as one of our story characters and we have been focusing on using the present perfect tens. In maths, we have been adding and subtracting fractions and we have been getting a lot better at using our POG boxes to assess our own learning. During our topic lessons, we have been starting to take notes ready to write an information paragraph about the Anglo Saxons and we learnt about who they were, why they invaded Britain and what they named their seven kingdoms! On Wednesday, we went on a school trip to Bristol City training ground and we played dodgeball, handball, football and jailbreak. We represented Cadbury Heath brilliantly and all of the adults were really proud of us! On the coach, we enjoyed singalongs to 'Beep Beep I'm a Sheep, Let it Go and Barbie Girl' - Miss Bennett and Miss Lewis remembered to sing in a deep voice when singing the parts of Ken! Friday afternoon was spent finishing off our mechanisms that we have spent the week making and these include a bridge, levers and a fixed and loose pivot!
Friday 6th May 2022:
This week in English, we have been writing a setting description about the Vikings. We have been focusing on metaphors. In maths, we have been doing fractions and drawing bars to represent the fractions to help us with our understanding. We have also got POG boxes to put our books in to tell the teacher how we felt about that learning and to see if we need to continue practicing for a little bit longer than others. During this weeks topic lessons, we have been learning about vertebrates and invertebrates and writing an information paragraph about them. This week, many people have got on to our Champion Learner jigsaw pieces for listening to the teacher and following the instructions given, I can focus on my learning and talk to others about this. We also went to the ICT suite in groups to improve our times tables.
We have had a very busy week this week and we hope to have an exciting week next week!
Fox Class
Friday 29th April 2022 - week 1:
Our first week back has been very busy learning about our new English book 'Viking Boy' and our Science unit 'Living Things'. We have been introduced to some new vocabulary such as 'jarl, raid, warrior, Miklagard and longhouse'. We used our simile skills to write a character description about Gunnar, a young boy in the story. Our similes included ideas such as: hair as black as midnight, as fierce as a lion and green, shiny eyes like an emerald. In topic, we looked at what living things are and discussed the 7 life processes that all living things will experience. To help us remember these, we used MRS GREN as each letter represents one of the processes - please ask us about this at home! Finally, I am pleased to say that lots of children in Team Fox have earned a post it note on our 'Champion Learner' jigsaw pieces - what a brilliant start to Term 5!
Have a lovely weekend everyone!
Friday 1st April 2022 - Week 5:
This week we have been working incredibly and have gained lots of gems for our gem jar! We have even earned our first treat, which we will decide on next week. Our gems have been for great team work that we have seen in Fox Class and lots of us have been able to nominate others.
In English, we used our inverted commas skills to write a conversation between Tranio and Livia from the book Escape from Pompeii and throughout the conversation we included sections of narrative. In maths, we have continued learning to multiply and divide by 10 and 100!
In topic, we looked at the Roman army and why they were so successful - please ask us about this at home! We even researched Roman soldiers and had a go at drawing our own and labelling the armour that they wore. Next, we researched why Rome wanted to invade Britain and how Queen Boudicca was brave enough to fight against the Roman army!
We wish you all a lovely weekend!
Friday 25th March 2022 - Week 4:
This week has been a very busy week! We have all worked so hard over the last few days to show off just how much we have learnt since Term 1! Miss Bennett is super proud of each and every one of us and we are proud of ourselves too!
On Wednesday afternoon, we had an important lesson all about being a team. We watched some videos of the 2012 London Olympics and spoke about what it means to be a good team. Lots of us shared some amazing values and qualities such as: encouraging and celebrating others, standing up for each other, being kind and patient, having trust and taking pride in everything that we do. From this, we pulled all of our favourite words together and created our own 'Team Fox' flag, which is hanging proudly outside of our class. Each time we walk into class, we can be reminded of the our team values!
On Thursday afternoon, we paired up to complete a scavenger hunt. We worked on our communication and patience skills! Miss Bennett asked us to find the best item to fight off a zombie invasion and we were able to find some brilliant and creative items! The most interesting item, which had us all giggling, was when one member of Team Fox found and brought back a sponge. We discussed how we would attach the sponge to the end of the broom and use soapy water to scare any zombies away! It was lots of fun and we loved working with children that we wouldn't usually pick.
We hope that you all have a wonderful and sunny weekend!
Friday 11th March 2022 - Week 2:
This week, we started our new topic about the Romans and were introduced to our new book for English 'Escape from Pompeii'. We used this story to inspire us to write a setting description about Pompeii before the eruption of Mount Vesuvius. The ideas we have included in our writing are really beautiful and creative. We worked hard to include a range of writing skills in our setting description and Miss Bennett is very proud of us! Next week, we will be writing a contrasting setting description of Pompeii after the eruption.
In maths, we have started to learn how to multiply 2 digit numbers by a 1 digit number. It has been a tricky concept to understand but we has persevered and tried our best! Some of us have been able to apply our multiplication skills to problem solving questions as well.
We have also learnt how to say a range of different animals in French. Please ask us at home so that we can show off our wonderful French knowledge! This afternoon, we had a go at using Turtle Academy to use codes and commands to programme a little turtle to move around our screen and make different shapes. Lots of us thought very carefully about the commands we were giving.
We hope that you all have a wonderful weekend!
Friday 4th March 2022 - Week 1:
It was great welcoming everyone back on Monday morning and seeing lots of smiley faces! This week has been a very curious week indeed! We have been celebrating World Book Day all week by learning about the wonderful world of Alice in Wonderland. On Monday, we read the amazing pop up book of the story and watched a video clip that introduced us to the Mad Hatter! We spoke about his character and appearance and then had a go at making our own Mad Hatter top hats - we had some very creative designs!
Throughout the week, we have been learning about rhyming words and rhyming couplets and then today we began writing our own poems about the Mad Hatter and Wonderland. Miss Bennett was incredibly impressed with the poetry produced so far and we will be finishing off our poems next Monday. We are hoping to then publish our poems with some illustrations and create a class book of Mad Hatter poems! On World Book Day itself, we had some truly AMAZING costumes from playing cards to several Mad Hatters to The Queen of Hearts and then to Alice herself! Miss Bennett was really proud of all the effort the children put in to looking wonderful!
Week 5 - Friday 11th February 2022:
This week has been Mental Health week and we celebrated this by creating our own 'support balloons'. We thought about the people who always support us, which helps to improve our mental health and designed our own hot air balloons to showcase this. It was so lovely to see that lots of us were able to put the names of our friends down as people that support us!
In English, we worked hard to begin writing our mini non-chronological report about the importance of rainforests whilst using the present perfect tense. This has been a tricky skill to grasp but we have persevered and the writing we have produced so far has been very informative and we have used the skill well! In topic, we looked at the different reasons why deforestation happens - please ask us about these reasons at home! Finally, in maths we have continued to use our times table knowledge of the 3s and 4s to answer a range of problem solving questions! We have learnt two songs to help us recall our multiplication facts - please ask us at home what these songs are so we can sing them to you and continue to practise!
We hope that you have a lovely weekend!
Friday 28th January 2022 - week 4:
This week in English, we have been learning about complex sentences. To write a complex sentence, you need to include: a main clause, a subordinating conjunction and a subordinate clause. If you are feeling super clever, you can put the subordinate clause at the front BUT you must remember to use a comma afterwards. We have been using our complex sentences to write a story about a boy and his grandad, who go on an adventure to the rainforest!
In topic, we learnt about the different layers of the rainforest - the forest floor, the understory, the canopy and the emergent layer. We found out which live in the different layers and the tallest trees can be at least 270ft tall!
In art today, we learnt about an artist called Henri Rousseau. He was famous French artist, who created paintings of the rainforest. We used his paintings as inspiration when drawing our own rainforest pictures. Next week, we are going to add detail and colour to our artwork to finish it off!
All of Fox Class hope that you have a magnificent weekend!
Friday 21st January 2022 - week 3:
This week has been a lovely week!
In English, we wrote a paragraph using our fronted adverbial skills to describe the rainforest during and after deforestation. Some of the fronted adverbials we used were: Dangerously, Silently, Horrifyingly, Rapidly, and Anxiously,.. We also started writing a paragraph as a rainforest animal using subordinating conjunctions to write complex sentences about experiencing deforestation.
In topic, we compared a forest in the UK to the Amazon rainforest. Sherwood forest is in Nottinghamshire but the Amazon Rainforest is in South America. They both has different climates, plants and animals however, they both have rivers flowing through them.
In maths, we have been learning about multiplication and division. We have been using our real story and counters to help us divide by sharing and grouping.
Please ask us lots of questions about our learning at home!
Have a lovely weekend, Fox Class!
Friday 14th January 2022 - week 2:
This week we continued out rainforest learning and located the countries in the world that have rainforests. To do this, we used atlases and globes to help us label the different countries on our maps. We worked really well as a team to help each other out! We then zoomed in on The Amazon rainforest in South America and learnt some facts about both of these places - please ask us about our learning at home!
In English, we wrote our setting descriptions about the rainforest when it is looking beautiful and tropical. The vocabulary we used was very creative and we used brilliant fronted adverbials! Today, we looked at contrasting pictures, which showed the devastation that deforestation causes. We used our fronted adverbial skills to write descriptive sentences about these pictures ready to use in another setting description on Monday!
We hope that you all have a lovely, safe weekend!
Friday 7th January 2022 - week 1:
It has been lovely welcoming everyone back after the Christmas break and Fox Class have settled back into their learning!
This week, we started our new topic 'Rainforests' and already we are all very excited about our learning to come! In English, we looked at our new book 'The Great Kapok Tree' and made predictions about what the book may be about and then used pictures of rainforests to write some lovely descriptive sentences using fronted adverbials. We are going to use these to write a setting description next week!
In our afternoon lessons, we have been finishing our learning on forces and magnets. We worked as a class to plan an investigation to test how different types of surfaces affect the movement of a car and today we carried out the investigation and recorded our findings! We then completed a Plickers quiz to see how much scientific knowledge we remembered!
Fox Class hope that you all have a lovely, safe weekend!
Knowledge Organiser:
Friday 17th December 2021 - week 7:
We have made it to the Christmas holidays!!
Fox Class had a lovely last week of term. We finished our writing, which was a setting description about Normandy at Christmas time and we used lots of lovely, creative similes in our writing as well. In maths, we continued our learning on 4 digit subtraction with exchanges and used our knowledge to answer a range of problem solving questions! In topic, we created holiday brochures encouraging people to spend Christmas in Normandy, where they would be able to visit Christmas markets, meet Santa and attend a Christmas carnival!
On Wednesday, we visited the Year 5's enterprise stalls and enjoyed spending our pennies on a range of things from decorated mugs to delicious fruit smoothies - Miss Bennett may have enjoyed one too!
On Friday, we enjoyed our class party, where we ate yummy party food thanks to parents' kind donations and enjoyed a Christmas film or two. Some of us enjoyed some Christmas mindful colouring and others continued their Top Trumps games!
Fox Class hope that you all have a wonderful Christmas and a happy New Year! I am so proud of how hard you have all worked these last two terms my Fabulous Foxes and you all deserve a lovely break!
Friday 10th December - week 6:
Well what a festive end to the week! Today, Fox Class enjoyed their delicious Christmas dinner whilst listening to some well known Christmas songs. We enjoyed turkey, pigs in blankets, veg, parsnips, gravy and some wonderful cakes and shortbread biscuits for dessert! We were even able to share a Christmas cracker with our friends and got some funky festive glasses as cracker gift. Lots of us enjoyed sharing the jokes from our crackers and Miss Bennett has now learnt the answers to the jokes so she can impress people with any future jokes that may be the same!! Before enjoying our meal, we made some festive hats to wear whilst eating!
In English this week, we finished our stories of 'The Lion and the Unicorn' and Miss Bennett was very impressed with how hard we worked to include lots of the skills we have been learning so far this year! In topic, we finished learning about light by carrying out a small investigation to support our learning about shadows and then we moved onto our new Science topic about forces and magnets - please ask us all about this at home!
1 more week to go before the festivities fully begin but we are all looking forward to a lovely last week of term (especially our Christmas class party!).
Have a lovely weekend
Friday 3rd December 2021 - Week 5:
This week we continued our learning about our new Science topic - Light! We used our knowledge of how light travels and reflective surfaces to create posters to encourage KS1 children to be safe when out in the dark. We then learnt about the sun and how we can protect ourselves when we are out in the sunshine. We worked really hard to complete some lovely, informative posters!
Some of us have enjoyed completing jigsaw puzzles during the first and last 10 minutes of the day and we have been working collaboratively using problem solving and respectful language to help one another. On Tuesday, we were able to meet our two brand new and very cute family members Wispa and Buttons. The baby guinea pigs enjoyed our cuddles very much and even had a bit of a chit chat with us squeaking away on our laps!
Today, we continued re-writing the story of 'The Lion and the Unicorn' and we hope to have these finished next week!
(photos to be uploaded Monday)
We hope that you have a wonderful, festive weekend!
Friday 27th November - Week 3:
This week has been very exciting as we have finally made our WW2 gasmasks! We used our milk bottles to carefully cut out the gasmask shape, created a mixture of blank paint and PVA glue to paint with so that the colour stuck to the plastic, added our string and finally wore them to take some amazing photos!
In English, we applied our skills of expanded noun phrases to a character description that we wrote about Lenny Levi (the main character of out story) and on Thursday we started writing our own stories to re-tell the tale of Lenny being evacuated from London to the countryside. Our stories so far sound brilliant and I am very excited to read the finished pieces that will be completed next week!
We also started our Science topic about light and learnt about the different sources of light and what this meant along with what 'dark' means. We then learnt about reflective materials and how light travels - please ask us about this at home!
We all hope that you have a lovely weekend!
Friday 19th November 2021 - Week 3:
We have had a very exciting week in Fox Class as we were lucky enough to be visited by Laura, who is an actress for the Drama Hut in London. On Thursday, she came into school in the character of Polly from WW2 and took us all on an adventure back in time, where we pretended that we were evacuees!
We listened to the sound of sirens and ran to safety! One of us had to wear the air raid warden's hat and do a lap of the hall to check that everything was safe! In groups, we used our bodies to represent images of The Blitz from spitfires, to Anderson shelters to gasmasks! As a class, we made a train and pretended that we were travelling to the countryside and discussed what we might do on the train to pass the time and thought carefully about how the children would have felt leaving their parents. Again in groups, we did some training for Bletchley Park by working together to crack the code, which eventually read 'If you can read this, tap your nose'.
Fox Class thoroughly enjoyed their visit from Polly and have come away with even more knowledge of evacuees during WW2! Please ask us at home to tell you all about it!
Have a lovely weekend
Friday 12th November - Week 2:
We have had a lovely week in Fox Class with some brilliant learning happening in all areas of our curriculum!
On Monday, we carefully made poppies using different pieces of coloured card to create mosaic style poppies. We had lots of fun doing this! We also painted poppies on our pebbles ready for Year 5 and 6 to place them in the shape of a cross to remember those that fought in WW1 and WW2.
We had amazing fun on Thursday morning, where we learnt about the importance of blackouts during the war and their purpose. We then had the challenge of blacking out our classroom so that no light escaped to the outside. All of us worked together brilliantly and came up with some creative ways to hang blankets across our windows. We then listened to sound effects from the Blitz and shared how this made us feel and we empathised with those that had to experience this during the war.
Have a lovely weekend everyone and stay safe!
Friday 5th November - Week 1:
We have had a great first week back of Term 2 and we are already very excited about our new topic 'Children at War'. In class, we have been looking at why WW2 started (please ask us about this at home!), the countries that the German army gained control of, the leader of the German troops and we have started to look at children being evacuated! Today, we made our own gas mask boxes with identification tags, which we wore to assembly to get a feel for how children felt during WW2. Next week, we are hoping to make gas masks so please save and bring in any empty milk bottles!
In English, we have started our new book 'The Lion and the Unicorn' and have already gathered some brilliant vocabulary to include in our writing. We have worked hard to write diary entries as Lenny (the main character) using adverbs of time throughout!
We hope that you all have a lovely weekend and enjoy the fireworks! Please remember to stay super safe around fireworks and never return to a firework that has been lit but gone out!
Unit 26 - Normandy
Friday 22nd October - week 7:
What an absolutely brilliant last week of term we have had! This evening was of course our Halloween Disco and I must say the Fabulous Foxes wore some amazing costumes and enjoyed a boogie!
This week in maths, we have continued learning about 3 digit addition. We have learnt to exchange in the ones and the tens and even do double exchanges! Everyone then used their knowledge to help them solve a range of problem solving questions and it was lovely to hear learning partners discussing how they were going to solve the problems and why some numbers would work but others wouldn't! In English, we used our adverb skills to write a letter as Philippe to his mother in France and then we wrote a letter back to reply to Philippe. We included amazing adverbs of manner such as: foolishly, dangerously, excitedly, patiently and furiously!
In topic, we learnt facts about the main rivers in Normandy along with the names of the 5 beaches involved in the D-Day landings - please ask us about this at home! We also studied a French artist called Georges Seurat who created an art technique called 'Pointillism' and we used this skill to create our own paintings of French landmarks!
Have a lovely half term and remember to stay safe and be polite when out trick or treating!
Friday 15th October - week 7:
The end of term is drawing closer but Fox Class have been keeping up the motivation and brilliant work in all aspects of their learning!
In English, we learnt about adverbs and applied them to sentences writing in the 1st person as Philippe and then on Wednesday we looked at the difference between formal and informal letters. We picked out the key phrases within these types of letters and next week we will be having a go at writing our own informal letters!
In maths, we have been continuing to learn about addition and this week started the challenge of exchanging! On Wednesday we worked in groups on the carpet with counters and giant place value charts to help us and we showed great teamwork when reminding our friends to exchange or to not forget to add the (sneaky) ten!
In topic, we learnt about the biome of Normandy, please ask us to tell you what this biome is at home! As the biome is similar to that of the UK, we used our school grounds to collect natural resources to help us make biomes in a box! The end results look fabulous! Luckily Miss Bennett was able to get some photos before the miniature trees started to topple over.. We also learnt about the lines of latitude and longitude along with the different hemispheres that the world is divided into. In groups, we used chalk to demonstrate our learning on the playground!
We hope that you have a lovely weekend and we look forward to a 'Halloweeny' week next week - start practising your dance moves ready for Friday!
Friday 8th October 2021 - Week 5:
We have had a very busy week in Fox Class this week!
In Maths we have been doing adding 3 and 4 digit numbers. We used place value counters to help! Mrs Harris visited us for one of our maths lessons and was very impressed with everyone's hard work!
In English we have been continuing to practise our skills of using compound sentences by writing diary entries as Philippe Petit on the day he first saw the Twin Towers and on the evening of the day he walked between them!
In music we have been learning the song 'Mamma Mia' by ABBA! We enjoyed finding the pulse in the song and clapping along with it and we also played a game where we had to dance in time to the music!
We have been looking at learning powers in Fox Class and this week we focused on 'Resourcefulness'. We discussed what this meant and decided that we would draw superheroes for the power of being resourceful! Mrs Harris is going to collect them in and put them to a school vote to decide on the winning hero to share throughout the school!
Have a lovely weekend!
Friday 1st October - week 4:
We have had a wonderful week in Fox Class full of great learning! We have continued working on our 'Being Respectful Rules' and lots of us made it onto the recognition star for being really respectful in class!
In maths, we continued our place value learning and have started rounding to the nearest 10 and then using our rounding rule to support us with problem solving! Asking us at home to tell you our rounding song that we sing to remember the rule. In English, we have been learning to write compound sentences. We can explain what a simple sentence/main clause must have and the steps for writing compound sentences - ask us about this at home too! Today, we used our skills to begin writing a diary extract as Philippe on the day that he saw the Twin Towers for the first time! We will finish writing these next week. In PE, we focused on team building skills and had to try and get all of our team mates from one end of the bench to the other without falling off. We focused on being calm and using our speaking and listening skills. Finally, in art this week we developed our texture skills and created our own 'Texture Monsters', which were made up of a range of textures!
We hope that you have a lovely weekend!
Friday 24th September 2021 - Week 3:
This week, we have had a big focus on what being respectful looks and feels like in our classroom! We all worked really hard to create a set of 'respectful rules' that we can follow in class ensure that we are creating the best learning environment possible!
We also worked hard to write a second setting description using our expanded noun phrases about another scene in our book 'The Man Who Walked Between the Towers'. In today's lesson we worked brilliantly in our editing partners to check and improve our writing.
Have a lovely weekend!
Friday 17th September 2021 - Week 2:
This week has been full of lots of hard work and determination! In maths, we have been carrying on our place value learning but have now moved onto 4 digit numbers, learning to recognise the Thousands, Hundreds, Tens and Ones. In English, we practised including prepositions in our sentences and then used our skills to write a setting description about a picture in our class book. We worked really hard and used some lovely, creative vocabulary!
This morning, we had a 'topic morning' and used atlases to help us name and locate the countries of Europe. We worked brilliantly in teams and made sure that everyone knew what they were doing. The finished results look brilliant and we can now name a variety of countries that make up Europe! We also practised our drawing skills to try and create different textures with our pencil.
We hope you all have a lovely weekend!
Friday 10th September - week 1:
We have had a good first week back at school! It has been great to see our friends again, play football on the field, visit the school library and start Year 4 as 'The Fabulous Foxes!'.
In maths, we have been recapping our Year 3 place value to get us ready for our Year 4 maths next week! We have been recognising and writing hundreds numbers and comparing 3 digit numbers.
In English, we read our new English book 'The Man Who Walked Between the Towers'. This is the book that we are going to be basing lots of our writing on this term. Fox Class have started to learn about expanded noun phrases, which we will be using to write a setting description next week!
In topic, we recapped the countries that make up the UK and have learned the 7 continents and 5 oceans of the world! Next week, we will begin exploring France and Normandy! In PSHE, Jigsaw Jack (David) joined us for our lesson and we had the challenge of passing him around the class without using our hands!!
We hope that you all have a lovely weekend!