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Hedgehog Class (Y1)

Welcome to Hedgehog Class!


Class Teacher - Miss Smith 

Mrs Claydon (music teacher) - Every Wednesday to cover Miss Smith's PPA time.

Our PE days are Wednesday and Friday!

Knowledge Organiser

Week 6 - 16th July

What a week we’ve had. It was great to have you all back in Hedgehog class this week. Yesterday and today were both very quiet with only the reception and year 1/2 bubble in the school but this meant we had lots of space for fun activities!

In maths, we have been focussing on the concept of turns and using our bodies to turn a quarter, half and three-quarters. We really enjoyed completing lots of practical work to help us remember!

In English, we wrote a letter to Mr Bradley to introduce ourselves. We made sure to lay it out correctly and form our sentences beautifully.

Have a lovely weekend everyone! Enjoy the sun and remember your sun cream and hats :)


Week 5 - 9th July

What a strange week this week! I have missed seeing your lovely faces in Hedgehog class but I cannot wait to see you all again on Tuesday.

At home, children have been completing a range of Maths, English and Topic work and I am super impressed with how well they have done this! In Maths, we looked at fractions. Using our fraction knowledge to half and quarter shapes and numbers using our real story/maths story layout. In English, we have looked at adverbs, discussing what they are and using them in our own sentences. We also looked at letter writing, planning and writing our own letter to Mrs Harris asking for new playground equipment. In topic, we have started our new topic looking at heroes; what they are and who our heroes are too.

I am so proud of the children this week and their completion of work on Seesaw due to isolation! Well done Hedgehogs :)

Week 4 - 2nd July


What a great but strange week we’ve had this week! Lots of Hedgehogs have been poorly with a sickness bug but I am so glad that they are all feeling better!

We have been working extremely hard with our special booklets this week which focussed on our maths and reading. The children focussed so well to complete these and should be really proud of themselves.

In topic, we wrote up our carrot and celery science experiment results, the children loved seeing the celery change colour and the carrot grow. We also were able to have a great PSHE lesson. A big thank you to the adults for allowing your child to come in with a baby photo of themselves, not only were they extremely cute but we were also able to notice the difference between Hedgehog children as babies and as 5/6 year olds!

We also had great fun Wednesday morning with sports day! The children loved gaining points for their house and enjoying sports with the KS1 bubble. There are many photos attached!

Week 3 - 25th June


We have had a wonderful and very creative week in Hedgehog class this week! In maths, we have continued working hard at recognising equal groups and recording this in our books using real story and maths story. In English, we used ‘hot seating’ and pretended to be a seasonal animal or tree. Children had to ask each other questions to find out what tree/animal they were using descriptive vocabulary.


Our afternoons have been extremely creative. We have created our own paintings of our favourite seasonal tree using our hand print as the tree outline. We have also practised using the paint app on the learning pads again, making sure we worked beautifully with our partners to draw a tree on the app!

Today, we even had a practise sports day in the morning which all the children loved! We are all looking forward to Wednesday when we get to do it all over again for the real thing!

Week 2 - 18th June 

We have had a wonderful week in Hedgehog class this week. In English, we continued looking at adjectives to describe seasonal trees/animals as well as beginning to look at tenses. In Maths, we have begun to master counting in 5s and 10s and looked at answering questions based on equal groups. In addition to Maths and English, we have worked so hard at our season topic work this week! We have completed an observation outside and started our carrot experiment.

Term 6

Week 1 - 11th June 

What a wonderful first week back. In Maths this week, Hedgehog class have looked at counting in 2s, 5s and 10s which we will continue next week. We have changed our topic to seasons for the first few weeks of this term therefore, in English, we have been looking at writing sentences using adjectives to describe an animal based on a season. In topic, we have begun talking about seasons and the different weather types.

On Friday, we were lucky enough to have visitors come in to teach us lacrosse and archery. The children loved doing this and I have uploaded pictures of them having a go!

Week 6 - 28th May 

We have had a great final week of term in Hedgehog class this week! In Maths, we carried on looking at time, we practised telling the time to the o’clock and to half past the hour. In English, we had a focus on handwriting, making sure our letters were formed perfectly ready for our writing next term. We created some fantastic art this week too, creating a dinosaur collage with many different materials for our dinosaur display.


Have a great week off and I will see you next term!!

Miss Smith :)

Week 5 - 21st May 

What an exciting week we’ve had in Hedgehog class! In maths, we have started looking at time. We have been able to place events into chronological order and tried our best at learning days of the week and months of the year! In English, we looked at writing our own set of instructions based on how to grow your own dinosaurs (watch out adults!). We have had super fun afternoons, we played a game based on animal classifications and also had time on the LearnPads to draw our own dinosaur on the paint app.

Week 4 - 14th May

What a great week we have had in Hedgehog class! In maths, we looked at volume and capacity and practised using our key vocabulary; empty, full, half empty, almost empty, almost full. In English, we have now come to the end of our topic looking at ‘how to grow a dinosaur.’ This meant that we wrote up the story in our neatest handwriting, using our story maps and actions to help us remember what happened. In topic, we created our own fossils! These are now drying and will be put on display or given to the children next week.

Have a great weekend :) 

Week 3 - 7th May 

Hedgehogs have had a fantastic week this week! We have continued to look at weight this week and have been thinking about the weight of different objects and what it looks like on the scales. In English, we continued looking at our story map (we're experts now!) and also learnt how to use exclamation and question marks in our writing. In topic, we looked at the difference between carnivores, herbivores and omnivores - test me and see if I remember what they eat!

Week 2 - 30th April


This week in English, we continued to look at the book ‘How to grow you own dinosaur.’ We practised using adjectives to describe what we see in the picture and also used ‘and’ to join our words. In maths, we finished looking at measurement and began to look at weight. We looked at what items were lighter and heavier and how we could see that on the scales. In topic this week, we looked David Attenborough’s discovery of the largest dinosaur and even found another catchy song to learn about the 5 oceans of the world.

Week 1 - 23rd April 


What an exciting week back! The children have all settled back in to hedgehog class beautifully.

In English this week, we looked at the book ‘How to grow a dinosaur.’ We created our own story map and we also used 'Talk for Writing' actions to help us with our storytelling skills (I have uploaded pictures of all our actions!).

In maths, we looked at measurement and used correct vocabulary to compare different objects, e.g. bigger, smaller, taller and shorter. It was fantastic to see that the children were confident with this vocabulary.

Topic this week, we have kept on looking at dinosaurs and looking at where they could have lived. We even remembered the 7 continent song! 

Week 6 - 1st April

We have had a brilliant last week in school. We have been busy making Easter cards and learning about why we celebrate Easter. We have been writing a setting description and a character description based on the book 'Tyrannosaurus Drip'. We have finished off our weaving and also continued with our topic all about Dinosaurs. We have had a lovely day saying goodbye to Miss Wright and look forward to Miss Smith being our full time teacher.



Have a wonderful Easter break Hedgehog class, I will miss you all - keep being amazing!! From Miss Wright.

Week 5 - 26th March


This week in Hedgehog class, we have been busy completing many different activities. In maths, we have continued looking at shape, naming 2D and 3D shapes and discussing their properties. In English, we have focussed on our reading skills and finding information from the text to be able to answer some questions.

In topic, we have continued with our weaving designs. As well as this, we have started to look at the 7 different continents of the world, where we sung our own very catchy song to help us remember them!

Week 4 - 19th March

We have had a brilliant week this week, following on from Arts week we have continued with our weaving (which Miss Wright forgot to take photos of but will definitely get them up next week). We are very excited about our topic 'Did Dinosaurs Exist?' we learnt about all the different features that dinosaurs had. It was interesting to see how unique all the different types of dinosaurs were. We also did observational drawings of a chosen dinosaur and labelled its features.


In maths we have been learning all about 3D shapes. In English we have been looking at the book 'Tyrannosaurus Drip' by Julia Donaldson. 

Week 3 - 12th March

What a first week back! It has been lovely to have a full class again and enjoy working back in Hedgehog class. This week with have dived into our dinosaur topic by creating our own water colours art work. We have also completed our own large-scale drawing and even begun some weaving!  

I hope you have a great weekend and a well deserved rest.

Week 2 - 5th March

This week has been incredibly exciting, it has been BOOK WEEK! We have learnt all about Jack and the Beanstalk, when we came into school on Monday something very suspiciuos had happened, there were beans all over our classroom floor. We used 'Talk for Writing' actions to help us with our storytelling skills. Today we became Authors and wrote our own stories. We have also learnt about the life cycle of a bean and we created mixed media pictures of gigantic beanstalks up in the clouds.


Today we have been getting our classroom all ready for all of our class mates to return on Monday. We are so excited to have our class back together!

Week 1 - 26th February 


What a wonderful week of learning both at home and in school. In English this week, we have been focusing on our handwriting and letter formation, seeing some fantastic size and whooshes on our letters. In maths, some children have been working on pictograms while some on ordering larger numbers and counting in 2s. 

In science, we have begun to look at the creatures and animals under the sea, sharing our knowledge of what we know already!


Have a wonderful weekend and remember next week is book week!

Week 6 - 12th February


In school we have had a great week to top off a brilliant (yet challenging) term. On Tuesday it was Internet Safety day, we played true or false games on the internet to test our understanding of the risks of using the internet, it is a wonderful resource when used safely. In English we have written our own recipes on ‘How to make bread’ we looked carefully at the layout of this type of writing. In maths Year One have been thinking about place value and the order of numbers and Year Two have been looking at tally charts and pictograms to collect data from their surroundings. 


Our home learners have also had a fantastic week of learning! This week we have been comparing numbers up to 50 in maths while also creating and tally charts and pictograms. In English we have been writing recipes, using imperative verbs to start each instruction. These recipes have been shared with pictures and videos of you all making these recipes. To round of our Great Fire of London topic, everyone has been sharing their knowledge. This has been shown in facts, pictures, videos and expression dances!


It has been a fantastic term of learning and I hope everyone has a great half term.  All the KS1 team are very proud of how well we have adapted to the situation this term and think we deserve a well good rest!

Week 5 - 5th February 


This week has been very busy! We have been working hard in English, finishing the week by writing a report on The Great Fire of London. Putting all of our amazing knowledge into our writing. The week ended with us baking bread rolls this morning before enjoying them this afternoon!


Home learning has continued to be wonderful.  Everyone has continued to produce superb work and share wonderful photos and videos on Seesaw of this. With our Children’s Mental Health Week focus, Year 1 and 2 have made a great effort in trying new skills, contacting others and sharing positivity.

Week 4 - 29th January


Wow! We had an exciting day on Monday and built snowmen with the remainders of the snow from the weekend, this encouraged us to explore the concept of ‘melting’. We have had a busy week this week and have been really enjoying our topic ‘London’s Burning’! We have been able to recall lots of key facts about the significant event and explain how it was recorded by Samuel Pepys in his diary. We have been looking at the differences between non-fiction and fictional texts, and have started writing our own features of non-fiction texts e.g. labels and captions. In RE we learnt about what it means to belong to the Islamic community.


What a week! The home learning has been fantastic. In maths, everyone has been using counters, Lego, crayons, drawings or anything they can to support our learning and help explain their answers. Our sentences on The Great Fire of London have developed so well over the week, with different vocabulary and the use of ‘and’ and because to help give more detail to our sentences. In our teams meetings this week, we completed a scavenger hunt on Wednesday and had an exciting quiz on Thursday!

Week 3 - 22nd January


This week the Year 1 and 2 bubble has been working fantastically. In maths, we have been working hard on addition and subtraction with some multiplication too. The children have used counters, pictures, number squares and lines as well as blocks to support their learning.

In English we have continued our ‘Great Fire of London’ topic, building into a story map and an exciting diary entry, which we completed today.

In Science, we looked at the different properties of objects. Are they rough or smooth? Hard or soft? The children had great fun exploring different objects in our Acorn area and comparing them.


All of our wonderful home learners have been super engaged with the online learning and have submitted some wonderful work this week. We have seen some fantastic story maps which helped to sequence the story of ‘Toby and the Great Fire of London’, and today we have been writing out unit outcome; a diary entry. It has been great to draw together all the knowledge we have learnt across the past couple of weeks. In our Teams assembly we discussed the Zones of Regulation and thought about different strategies we can use to help get ourselves into the green zone ready for our home learning.

Week 2 - 15th January


Our topic this term is 'London's Burning', it is all about the Great Fire of London that happened in 1666. We have been looking at how defence against fires has changed over time and have considered why the fire spread so far across the city. The fire spread because the houses were made of wood and build very close together, also there was a strong wind and they didn't have fire engines with powerful water hoses like we have today. They used leather buckets and water to try and stop the blazing fire! 

In science we have bee thinking about different materials.

In maths we have been looking at number bonds and we even wrote thank you letters this week to post to Co-op for our chocolate selection packs.

Week 7 - 18th December


We have had a very busy week enjoying and finishing off all the festive activities. We have made and painted salt dough ornaments, made our our wrapping paper to wrap them as gifts. We have made Christmas cards and written them to our families. We have also been using Christmas stencils to create art. We have continued learning all about the Victorians and how they changed the way we celebrate Christmas.

We had lots of fun at our class party today!

Week 6 - 11th December


This week we have been learning all about Victorian Christmas traditions, we learnt that the Victorians changed how we celebrate Christmas and made it into the celebration that we know today. On Wednesday we were lucky to have both Mr Bee and Miss Wright teach us at the same time and we also had a lovely time eating our Christmas lunch together! We have been busy making our own Christmas ornaments from salt dough and in RE we have been looking at the nativity story. We have also made paper chains and snow flakes to decorate our classroom.

Week 5 - 4th December


This week we have finished creating our moving pictures that link with the story of The Queen's Hat. We reflected on our work and made suggestions of what we could improve if we made them again.

We have been introduced to our new topic, 'Victorian Christmas' which will be our new learning focus until the end of the term. We will be learning all about Queen Victoria, which links with our previous topic about Queen Elizabeth II. This week we have read the story 'Lost in the Toy Museum' and used adjectives in our writing to describe the main character; Bunting. We also wrote sentences using the conjunction 'and' to join our ideas. 

In Maths, we have been looking at the part part whole method again and embedding our understanding of addition and subtraction.

Knowledge Organiser

Week 4 - 27th November


Wow, what a busy week we had!

We have been making our moving pictures of the Queen moving through London (chasing her hat), we certainly have some amazing designers in our class and we will look forward to completing these next week. We have also finished writing our innovated stories of the Queen's hat whooshing all the way through Cadbury Heath Primary School. We are very proud of our writing and Mrs Harris even came down to celebrate some of our work with us!

In Maths we are still working towards mastering addition and subtraction, using our number bonds. Well done to the children who have been practising your 'number bond rap' this is a fun way to help those numbers stick in our minds.

Week 3 - 20th November


We have continued our learning all about The Queen's Hat and have learnt 'Talk for Writing' actions to help us remember the sequence of the story. We have been looking at story language and have begun to write our own stories - we are going to finish these next week with Mr Rogers.

In DT we have been exploring pop up books and moving pictures and we have been designing our own moving pictures linked to our story. Miss Wright was very impressed with our designs! 

In Maths we have been looking at number bonds within 10. We have been splitting counters into 2 groups and finding lots of different ways to make the same number.

We had loads of High 5 readers this week (well done everybody!) and we chose our own reading books this morning! We even ran the Cadbury Heath Challenge "it  was wet but good!". 

Week 2 - 13th November


Our topic is 'Queen and Country', we will be learning all about Queen Elizabeth and our country, embedding previous knowledge about the United Kingdom. Our new focus book is 'The Queen's Hat'. We had a very big shock this week when we discovered a hat had mysterious arrived in our classroom, along with lots of leaves. We had a suspicion that it was the Queen's Hat. We were very excited to receive a letter from the Queen at Buckingham Palace, explaining that she had lost her hat and it may have been seen near Cadbury Heath Primary School! We then learnt to tell the story ourselves with 'Talk for Writing' actions. 

In Maths we have been learning to subtract (or take away), by drawing circles and crossing them out, we have been working really hard on the presentation of our work in our Maths books.

In Art we created our beautiful self portraits for the PTA calendars and finished our Georgia O'Keeffe inspired paintings of poppies.

Week 1 - 6th November


We have had a great first week back at school. Our new topic is called 'We will remember them' and it is all about poppies. We have learnt that we wear poppies to remember the brave soldiers who fought in the wars. As artists, we have been painting poppies and mixing different shades of Orange - we have been inspired by the work of Georgia O'Keeffe. 

Knowledge Organiser

Week 7 - 23rd October 


It has been another busy week in Hedgehog class. We have been learning to write addition number sentences and learning how to solve them using different mathematical resources, including numicon and multilink. We have been looking at the different letter families and trying to form our letters correctly with the cursive whoosh. 

This term in Science we have learnt all about the four seasons; Autumn, Winter, Spring and Summer. We have been thinking about the changes that happen in Autumn.

Today (Friday) we have celebrated Halloween, a celebration that began a very long time ago in Ireland. We even learnt that before carved pumpkins became popular in America, they use to carve turnips instead!


We have had a wonderful term. Well done to everybody for settling in to their new class so well, it has been lovely to be back together to enjoy our learning! We will look forward to an exciting term next term, we hope you all enjoy a well deserved rest.

Week 6 - 16th October 


We have been busy this week learning all about addition in Maths, we have been looking at the 'part-part-whole' method to add numbers together. We have been practising writing number sentences using the + and = symbols. We have also been counting in 2's! In English we have continued looking at 'The Jolly Postman' and have had a go at pretending to be him and writing a diary entry about our busy day delivering letters!

We enjoyed our music lesson this week where we learnt about pitch and beat, we moved our bodies to the beat and learnt the lyrics. We then had a chance to perform to the rest of our class (if we chose to). 

We even had a special visit from Mrs Harris, she read us a story by Julia Donaldson!

Week 5 - 9th October


This week has been a good week in Hedgehog class! It has been Mental Health Awareness week and we have spoken lots about how we can keep our minds healthy as well as our bodies. On Monday we thought about what makes a good listener and we also spoke about how we can use our whole bodies to listen, not just our ears. We have had lots of opportunities to speak up and share our own ideas during circle times and class assembly. In English we have been writing sentences about the Jolly Postman and using adjectives to describe him. In Maths we have been using the language of ‘greatest’ and ‘smallest’ to order and describe numbers. In Topic, we have been looking at maps of our local area and creating our own maps! We also enjoyed having another visit from the guinea pigs! 


We have had lots of High 5 Readers this week, well done everybody!

Week 4 - 2nd October


We have been very busy this week learning all about ‘The Jolly Postman’ in English and been making links to familiar fairy tales and had a go at writing an address. In maths we have been sharing out objects and using the language of ‘more than, less than and equal to’ to describe different amounts.

Week 3 - 25th September


We have had a lovely week in Hedgehog class, we were so excited to meet the school guinea pigs - they are so cute!

In Phonics we learnt the digraphs ("that means 2 letters = 1 sound") sh, th, ch, ng

In English we have been writing sentences and trying to use capital letters, finger spaces and full stops. We even learnt what an adjective is! In Maths we have been counting backwards and finding one more or one less than a number.

Week 2 - 18th September


We have enjoyed our learning this week and have spoken in class about it taking time to feel that you ‘belong’ somewhere but we all agreed that we are feeling settled in to our new classroom and we love being in Hedgehog class! This week we had a go at writing independently (“that means without a teacher!!”) and in maths have been counting and ordering objects. 


Well done to all our High 5 readers this week! We will be keeping everyone's reading records over the weekend to hand back out on Monday morning with your new reading books, if you read over the weekend please jot it in there when they are returned.

Week 1 - 10th September


We have had a brilliant first week back at school, it has been so much fun to be back together to enjoy our learning! This week we have enjoyed being with our friends again and exploring our new classroom and shared areas. There are lots of new things for us to play with and to help us with our learning. We enjoyed decorating our happy boxes, playing in the role play area and practising all the sounds we know, as well as lots of other games.
