Most Active Travel
The winners of the most active travel this month have absolutely amazed us with their dedication to staying active! With a fab 80%, well done to Owl Class!
March - We are so proud of our children for making the most of the school journey by getting active. This month a huge congratulations goes to Badger Class with a fantastic 91% active travel! Really well done Badgers!
December - With a fantastic 90%, for the second month in a row, really well done to Owl Class! It's amazing to see all of you walking, running, cycling and scooting in through the school gates! Keep it up!
November - Fantastic active journeys from everyone this month but a huge congratulations to Owl Class for being the most active with 91%, well done Owls!
October - WOW! Really well done to Badgers, this month with 91% active travel! Keep those active journeys up (it's getting close!).
September - Big congratulations to Y3 Badger Class with 88% of their journeys to school being active! How fantastic!!