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Term 6

Monday 10th June 2024 - Friday 14th June 2024


Another busy week for Year 6!  We have started to practise our lines for our end of year pantomime and there is much excitement.  In English, we have started to read a new book called 'The Promise' and have written a news bulletin for a robbery as well as an advert for a Garden City.  We have started to study maps of the Galapagos Islands and learn about how the islands were formed. 

Monday 3rd June - Friday 7th June 2024

We have had a busy first week back in school and have completed lots of learning.  In English, we have been editing lots of our pieces of writing and have spent some time redrafting work from previous terms.  We have been doing lots of problem solving using perimeter in maths and using a range of different skills to be successful.  We have started to learn about the Galapagos Islands in curriculum - thinking about their location and how they were formed.  Our Summer dance was the highlight of the week and we all really enjoyed performing.
