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Term 5

Week 6


This week in English we have been continuing our work using the book "The Very Lazy Ladybird". The children have been working incredibly hard to write their own versions of the story which has included an enormous variety of animals including penguins and cheetahs! Luckily, the Lazy Ladybird learnt how to fly eventually with the help of a giant sneeze from the elephant.


In Maths we have used our learning about halving to work out of number are odd or even. We had to share them into groups and decide if they were equal of not. The children have been fantastic at this - saying, for example, "9 is odd because it is not equal groups" by explaining our answers we have shown how well we understand.


Have an amazing half term.

The Reception Team 

Week 5


This week in English we have been using the book "The Very Lazy Ladybird" to help us with our learning. We created a story map showing the Lazy Ladybird's journey through the jungle. I created an adapted version of the story for the children to learn with me using lots of fantastic story language. The children created their own story maps ready to be authors next week.


In Maths we have been learning about halving. The children have been investigating sharing into equal and unequal groups and finding out which numbers can be halved and which can't.


Have a wonderful weekend.

The Reception team

Week 4


This week in Dormouse class we became authors.  We used the ending of the story from the book "Norman the Slug with a Silly Shell" to start our own ideas about Norman next adventure. The children had some fantastic ideas and their writing is beautiful.


In Maths we starting looking at doubles. We learnt a song to help us remember, used 10 frames to help us show our understanding and noticed ladybirds have doubles on their spots! 


Have a wonderful weekend.

The Reception Team

Week 3


This week we have been using the book "Norman the SLug with a Silly Shell" in our English lessons. The children have been writing sentences about Norman from the story and also created a new shell for him.


In Maths we have been working on number 11-20; recognising, counting and representing each number using 10 frames to help us.


Have a wonderful weekend.

The Reception team

Week 2


This week in English Dormouse class have been describing and writing sentences about minibeasts. The children have looked at a variety of minibeasts; describing their features and how they move.


In Maths we have been focusing on counting back. The children have used a number track and dice to show how to move backwards- counting as we go. 

In other minibeast learning we have been building hotels, sketching and hunting them down in the outdoor area! We are getting incredibly good at finding them at every opportunity.


Have a fantastic weekend.

The Reception Team

Week 1


Wow what a week! We have been incredibly busy this week starting a new unit of work on Minibeasts. We have been using the book "Aaaarrrgghh Spider!" to support our English learning. The children have been retelling the story, joining in with the repeated parts and describing the characters. 


In Maths we have been learning about using a number track to support us with counting on and addition. The children have been working in pairs to solve multiple counting on questions.


In other learning we have been hunting for Minibeasts in our outdoor area. We have observed them in magnifying pots, talked about where they like to live and taking care not to hurt them. 


Finally, this week we welcomed Miss Reed to our team.


Have a wonderful weekend.

The Reception Team 
