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Owl Class (Y2)

Welcome to Owl Class!


Class Teacher: Mr Bradley

PPA time on Wednesdays: Mrs Elliott and Mike (sports coach) will be teaching 

Leadership time on Thursday afternoons: Mrs Chapman will be teaching


Owl class have their PE days on a Wednesday and Friday. 


Homework is set every Friday on Seesaw. Please bring reading records in to be checked every Friday and aim to read at least five times a week. 

Week 6 - Friday 16th July 


What a week. It has been great to be back on Tuesday and see everyone again. Yesterday and today have been very quiet, but we have taken advantage of the extra space and being the oldest in the school and enjoyed the whole field!


We wrote letters this week and designed and made our own posters to encourage people to look after the environment and pick up their litter.  


In maths, we finished our work on grouping for division and today we have been measuring different amounts of water using different measuring jugs. We looked at the scale to help use measure the correct amount.


Have a fabulous weekend in the sunshine.

Friday 9th July 


What a different week this has been. Well done to everyone for all your hard work and learning at home. 

Despite the home learning, Owl Class have produced some wonderful work this week. 

In Maths, we have finished off our subtraction work and begun division through sharing. Owl Class have been wonderful at sharing objects, food, dots and numbers out equally. 

In English, we focused on a letter, writing to the council to help put a stop to all the littering that is being dropped. 

Through our topic, we have been looking at food and healthy eating. We have completed our own food testing at home, evaluating the food on taste, texture, appearance (looks) and aroma (smell). Then today children have designed their own balanced meal using protein, carbohydrates and fruit and vegetables. 


Have a relaxing weekend everyone! 


Friday 2nd July  

What an action packed week we have had! We have finished painting our fantastic aeroplanes ready to hang from the ceiling. On Wednesday, we participated in Sports Day, completing obstacle courses, football courses, water races as well as the egg and spoon and sack race. Yesterday we tried out different fruits and vegetables and designed our own smoothie which we will make next week! Watermelon and spinach were some of our favourites. 


Have a wonderful weekend. 


Week 3 - Friday 25th June 

In English this week, we have been learning to use adverbs, describing how something is done in out sentences. In Maths, we have been using the smile method and number line method to add 2 digit numbers. 


Over the week, we have learnt, drawn, labelled and planned our model aeroplanes before making them form bottles, cardboard and covering them in paper mache. Today we painted them ready for display next week! We have been learning to shade in art this week by adding shadow to our pictures of observational drawings. 


Have a wonderful weekend. 

Week 2 - Friday 18th June 


A wonderful sunny week in Owl Class. This week has been jam packed! On Monday we were measuring ourselves and different objects as we learnt how to use rulers and tape measures before then comparing different lengths. 

In English we have built up to writing out narrative - what happened after our plane crashed in the jungle? We have been using our vocabulary and conjunctions to make our stories exciting! 

In our topic this week, we looked at the journey Amelia Earhart made across the Atlantic Ocean and some of the designs and creations of Isambard Kingdom Brunel. 


Have a fantastic weekend. 

Term 6 

Week 1 - Friday 11th June 

Welcome back! 
It has great to be back this week learning and enjoying the weather together. 

IT has been an action packed first week. In topic, we have looked at Amelia Earhart and The Wright Brothers, all of who were pivotal parts in the history of flight. We designed our own planes, packed a suitcase to complete our own flight around the world and recorded all the information we had learnt! 


We continued looking at time this week in maths, focusing on counting on an hour or half hour. In English, we have been using the exclamation and question mark in our writing and knowing when to use them. 


In PE, we were lucky to have CSET coaches Dean and Alex come and deliver some exciting lacrosse and archery session for us. It was awesome learning new skills on the field and working together. 

Week 6 - Friday 28th May 

This week, we have completed two science experiments! We have re-tested the friction of different materials and how changeable materials are. We tried to bend, twist, stretch and squash different materials, such as cans, paper clips, paper and pipe cleaners. 


In Maths, we have continued looking at time, learning quarter to and quarter past while also beginning to look at the time to 5 minutes. 


In English, we have been learning how to use a thesaurus to develop our vocabulary and make our writing even more exciting. We have produced some superb setting descriptions around the Clifton Suspension Bridge. 


Have a great half term! 

Week 5 - Friday 21st May 


This week we have begun learning about time in Maths - focusing on the hour and minute hands and where they are pointing for o'clock and half past. In English, we have been developing our descriptive language, using adjectives to create interesting and exciting expanded nouns. 

Through our Science, we have tested the friction created with cars moving across different materials, measuring how far they travel. 




Week 4 - 14th May

What a fab week in Owl Class this week. In maths, we have continued looking at fractions and  have learnt how to calculate 1/3 and 2/3 of a shape or a number. We have also practiced ½ and ¼, and finding out that ½ is the same as 2/4.

In English we have been looking at postcard designs and made some of our own to send to Sunny the Meerkat from Meerkat Mail. In Phonics we practiced adding un as a prefix to change words into their opposite (kind-unkind)

In our Science lessons we have made and tested paper planes, measuring how far they flew using a tape measure. We have also looked at materials and why they are used different purposes. Example: glass-windows, Wood-furniture etc.

Week 3 - 7th May 

Owl class have been brilliant this week! We squeezed a lot into just 4 days. We have continued to look at fractions, progressing from looking at halves to quarters. In English, we finished our edits of Handa's surprise and had a final look at our story maps before writing everything up in neat. There has been some amazing handwriting and some fabulous funky stories!

Knowledge organiser

Week 2 - 30th April 

What another fantastic week! These week we have dived into fractions, looking at a half and begging to look at quarters. We have been folding and shading shapes as well as finding a half of different amounts. 

In English, we have written our own versions of Handa's surprise, delivering fruits to friends in neighbouring villages while pesky animals tried to take them! We spent time editing our story map, rehearsals out story with peers before putting pencil to paper. 

In topic, we have been looking at the weather, comparing our weather to that in the African Savannah. Further, we thought about what we need to packing a suitcase if we were to visit the Savannah plains. 

Week 1 - 23rd April 

It has great to be back on such a lovely sunny week! 


In Maths, we have been counting money and comparing different amounts. In English, we have enhanced our sentences by using expanded noun phrases to add information. Further, we have been punctuating sentences with question marks and exclamation marks. In spellings this week we have been looking at the rules for adding the ed and ing suffix. 

Through our topic, Africa, we have compared our day to the live of a school girl in Nairobi. Seeing the daily school life and the amount of homework they get, which was much more! Today we have been practising our instructions for coding, giving forwards, backwards, left and right instructions to each other on the playground to avoid objects. 

Week 6 - 1st April 

Another fantastic week in Owl class. Everyone has worked so hard this week and term, it really has been wonderful being back as a class again. 

This week we have completed our recount writing for the journey of Handa in Handa's surprise. We have been using first person, time conjunctions and subordinate conjunctions. 

In maths, we have been looking at equations in different ways. Sometimes the answers has been first or solving missing numbers. 

In our Africa topic, we have looked at living, dead and non-living things. How a living thing needs air, grows and reproduces. 


Have a brilliant holiday and a happy Easter. 

Week 5 - 26th March 

This week Year 2 have been busy using first person in their writing. Going into character as Handa and using I/ my as well as subordinating conjunctions to write sentences. 

In maths, we have continued learning about money, focusing on pounds - both coins and notes. Owl class have been counting different amounts and some of us have been creating money in our shop role-play area. 

In our Africa topic, we have furthered our learning by discovering food chains on the Savanna plains. Understanding what a producer is as well as herbivores and carnivores. 

Week 4 - 19th March

In Maths, we have spent this week learning about money. We have looked at the value of different coins and notes and added them together. 


Through the book Handa's Surprise we have looked into the story of the different animals and fruit found in Africa. This week we have used subordinating conjunctions to bring extra information into our sentences. 


In topic, we have looked at two different habitats, the Congo Rainforest and the Savanna. The Congo Rainforest is home to gorillas and chimpanzees. It has a very wet and warm climate with lots of tall trees and plants. The Savanna however is mostly grass with two seasons - dry and wet. In the Savanna you might find zebra, giraffes, lions, elephants and hippopotamous. 



Week 3 - 12th March 

What a first week back! It has been wonderful to have a full class again and enjoy working back in Owl class. It has been wondeful to see the children engaged and working together again inside and outside the classroom. This week with have launched our African topic in spectacular fashion with a dance (keep an eye on Seesaw). We have also made our own African masks, painted in the style of Esther Mahlangu and created an elephant collage. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and  a well-earned rest.

Knowledge Organiser

Week 2 - 5th March

This week has been incredibly exciting, it has been BOOK WEEK! We have learnt all about Jack and the Beanstalk, when we came into school on Monday something very suspiciuos had happened, there were beans all over our classroom floor. We used 'Talk for Writing' actions to help us with our storytelling skills. Today we became Authors and wrote our own stories. We have also learnt about the life cycle of a bean and we created mixed media pictures of gigantic beanstalks up in the clouds.


Today we have been getting our classroom all ready for all of our class mates to return on Monday. We are so excited to have our class back together!

Week 1 - 26th February


What a wonderful week of learning both at home and in school. In English this week, we have been focusing on our handwriting and letter formation, seeing some fantastic size and whooshes on our letters. In maths, some children have been working on pictograms while some on ordering larger numbers and counting in 2s. 

In science, we have begun to look at the creatures and animals under the sea, sharing our knowledge of what we know already!


Have a wonderful weekend and remember next week is book week!

Week 6 - 12th February


In school we have had a great week to top off a brilliant (yet challenging) term. On Tuesday it was Internet Safety day, we played true or false games on the internet to test our understanding of the risks of using the internet, it is a wonderful resource when used safely. In English we have written our own recipes on ‘How to make bread’ we looked carefully at the layout of this type of writing. In maths Year One have been thinking about place value and the order of numbers and Year Two have been looking at tally charts and pictograms to collect data from their surroundings.


Our home learners have also had a fantastic week of learning! This week we have been comparing numbers up to 50 in maths while also creating and tally charts and pictograms. In English we have been writing recipes, using imperative verbs to start each instruction. These recipes have been shared with pictures and videos of you all making these recipes. To round of our Great Fire of London topic, everyone has been sharing their knowledge. This has been shown in facts, pictures, videos and expression dances!


It has been a fantastic term of learning and I hope everyone has a great half term.  All the KS1 team are very proud of how well we have adapted to the situation this term and think we deserve a well good rest!

Week 5 - 5th February


This week has been very busy! We have been working hard in English, finishing the week by writing a report on The Great Fire of London. Putting all of our amazing knowledge into our writing. The week ended with us baking bread rolls this morning before enjoying them this afternoon!


Home learning has continued to be wonderful.  Everyone has continued to produce superb work and share wonderful photos and videos on Seesaw of this. With our Children’s Mental Health Week focus, Year 1 and 2 have made a great effort in trying new skills, contacting others and sharing positivity.

Week 4 - 29th January


Wow we had an exciting day on Monday and built snowmen with the remainders of the snow from the weekend, this encouraged us to explore the concept of ‘melting’. We have had a busy week this week and have been really enjoying our topic ‘London’s Burning’! We have been able to recall lots of key facts about the significant event and explain how it was recorded by Samuel Pepys in his diary. We have been looking at the differences between non-fiction and fictional texts, and have started writing our own features of non-fiction texts e.g. labels and captions. In RE we learnt about what it means to belong to the Islamic community.


What a week! The home learning has been fantastic. In maths, everyone has been using counters, Lego, crayons, drawings or anything they can to support our learning and help explain their answers. Our sentences on The Great Fire of London have developed so well over the week, with different vocabulary and the use of ‘and’ and because to help give more detail to our sentences. In our teams meetings this week, we completed a scavenger hunt on Wednesday and had an exciting quiz on Thursday.

Week 3 - 22nd January


This week the Year 1 and 2 bubble has been working fantastically. In maths, we have been working hard on addition and subtraction with some multiplication too. The children have used counters, pictures, number squares and lines as well as blocks to support their learning. 

In English we have continued our ‘Great Fire of London’ topic, building into a story map and an exciting diary entry, which we completed today. 

In Science, we looked at the different properties of objects. Are they rough or smooth? Hard or soft? The children had great fun exploring different objects in our Acorn area and comparing them. 


All of our wonderful home learners have been super engaged with the online learning and have submitted some wonderful work this week. We have seen some fantastic story maps which helped to sequence the story of ‘Toby and the Great Fire of London’, and today we have been writing out unit outcome; a diary entry. It has been great to draw together all the knowledge we have learnt across the past couple of weeks. In our Teams assembly we discussed the Zones of Regulation and thought about different strategies we can use to help get ourselves into the green zone ready for our home learning.

Week 2 - 15th January


Our topic this term is 'London's Burning', it is all about the Great Fire of London that happened in 1666. We have been looking at how defence against fires has changed over time and have considered why the fire spread so far across the city. The fire spread because the houses were made of wood and build very close together, also there was a strong wind and they didn't have fire engines with powerful water hoses like we have today. They used leather buckets and water to try and stop the blazing fire! 

In science we have bee thinking about different materials.

In maths we have been looking at number bonds and we even wrote thank you letters this week to post to Co-op for our chocolate selection packs.

Knowledge Organiser

Week 7 - 18th December


What a week! What a term! Owl class have worked incredibly hard over the past 7 weeks. 


This week, we have continued to work on our addition and subtraction while also writing a letter to Mrs Claus! 


On Monday we had great fun filming our part in the school Nativity and singing Little Donkey. 

Over the past few days, we have painted our salt dough tree decorations and enjoyed our class Christmas party, including playing games and watching the pantomime this afternoon. 


Have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year. 

Knowledge Organiser

Week 6 - 11th December


Year 2 have had an awesome and very busy week. 


On Monday afternoon, Year 2 explored the school grounds using a compass to follow instructions of the four compass points to find different Arctic animals. 


In Maths, we have added two 2-digit numbers together using our own pictures and manipulatives to support our work. 

In English, we wrote our fact files on polar bears. We then watched a video on Mrs Claus, ready to write her a letter next week. 


We made Christmas hats for our Christmas dinner on Wednesday. Then today we made some salt-dough tree decorations ready to paint next week. Today we have worn Christmas jumpers and enjoyed seeing everyone and their own tops and jumper designs. 

Week 5 - 4th December


This week Owl class have been very busy. In Maths, we have been working on our subtraction skills, taking one digit numbers away from two digit numbers. In English, our writing has continued to build to our fact files next week. We have been editing work, writing factual sentences and developing our vocabulary. Yesterday, we made paper chains and snowflakes to decorate our class for the last few weeks of term!

Week 4 - 27th November 


This week we have been really busy with our assessments and phonics practice. Owls have still worked really hard and managed to delve deeper into their topic of 'The Polar Regions'. This week we looked at food chains and how energy is passed from plants to animals, looking at food chains in the Arctic. Some children have also been painting animals from the polar regions. Despite the cold, it has been dry and Year 2 have had great fun working hard in PE both with the sports coach Mike and Mr Bradley. 

Week 3 - 20th November


To begin our topic this week we watched the beginning of Frozen Planet, seeing Arctic and Antarctica covered in ice and the animals that lived there. We learnt about some of the different animals, including the polar bear, seals, penguins and reindeer. We have collected and developed lots of vocabulary to help us when we write information and describe the different animals. In maths, we have been adding tens, using our place value to help us. 

Week 2 - 13th November


This week has been another action packed week in Owl Class. We have created our poppy pebbles, painted self-portraits and made medicines! In English, we have continued to look into the nurses, writting a biography on Edith Cavell. In Maths, owls have been using their number facts to answer larger number bonds to 100. 

Week 1 - 6th November


It was great to be back this week! We have looked into our new topic 'We Will Remember Them - Nurses'. We have been researching into Florence Nightingale and learning about her life. Today we have studied the work of Norah Gray, who was a nurse during WW1. We have looked at how portraits are drawn and having a go ourselves. 

Knowledge Organiser

Week 8 - 23rd October 


To finish our topic on castles and dragons, we designed and made our own tapestries, like the ones found in medieval castles . Today we have all dressed up and celebrated Halloween, painting cobwebs and completing other Halloween activities. We have also completed our scooter training, learning to break and control our scooters while we turn and move around. 

This week we also read the story Peace Lily to get ready for our topic next term on nurses in war.

Week 7 - 16th October


This week, in Owls, we have been planning and writing our own version of The Snow Dragon. First, we learnt the story map for The Snow Dragon and then we edited it with our own ideas to create our story. In partners, we all told our story aloud to learn it before writing it down in our English books. 

In maths, we have been learning about our place value tens and ones columns, partitioning our two digit numbers in different ways. 

In topic, we have been exploring the Cadbury Heath grounds to find the best place to build our own castle, looking for shelter in the woods, a moat at the pond or high ground on the mound.

Week 6 - 9th October


This week in Owl class, we have been securing our knowledge on addition and subtraction, looking at words problems and explaining our answers. In english, we have continued our study around the book - The Snow Dragon. In lessons we have used a story map to retell the story aloud in the right order. For World Mental Health Awreness Day, yellow has been worn and we've made Christmas cards and completed some Go-Noodle activities to benefit our mental health. 

Week 5 - 2nd October


This week in Owl class we have begun reading and working on our new class book - The Snow Dragon. We have been learning about the sequence of stories and retelling The Snow Dragon. In maths, we have been using our number lines and multilink to count forwards and backwards and complete addition and subtraction equations. In geography, we've been learning about the points of a compass and how they can be used in directions.

Week 4 - 25th September


This week in Owl Class, we have been using our adjectives to write descriptive sentences about a castle in a tree. In maths, we have been working on our addition, using a number line to support our learning. In Topic, we have learnt about the story of St George and how he slayed the dragon to save a princess.

Week 3 - 18th September


This week, Owl class have been writing about imaginative classes, using our describing words. In our activity learning, we have been building castles with building blocks, making patterns with numbers and designing a water system with drain pipes. 

In topic, we looked at Motte and Bailey Castles, which were made of wood and could often be burnt down. In IT and Computing we discussed about staying safe on the interent and how we know if an website is safe or not. 

Week 2 - 11th September


In our first full week, Owl class have been learning all about castles. We have learnt about the features castles used to protect themselves including arrow slits, draw bridges, huge, thick walls, and moats. We also learnt about whol lived and now lives in castles. 

Have a look at some of the photos from our learning this week. 


In English we have become working on our descriptive words in our sentences and in Maths we have been partitioning numbers. 
