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Term 4

The Ancient Maya Civilisation knowledge organiser

Friday 3rd March 2023

We have had a very busy Book Week and have loved all of our activities that have been linked to the book - 'The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse'.  We have created our own illustrations continuing our focus on line, written explanations on how to be kind and adverts for a best friend.  In maths, we have continued our learning on multiplication and division.  On Friday, we all enjoyed dressing up as our favourite book characters. 

Friday 24th February 2023

This week in English, we have been writing a narrative about our chocolate tree book which is about the Ancient Maya. The Ancient Maya were a civilisation in Mexico. During Maths this week, we were multiplying and dividing using different methods. In Curriculum, we drew a picture on things that make a strong foundation in our lives. In Art, we looked at an ancient remake of a statue used in the Mayan times then we drew a sketch of the sculpture trying to make it as realistic as possible using lines. For Music, we have been listening to the song 'Fresh Prince of Bel Air'. In P.E, we were playing seated volleyball and practicing our balances with a partner.

Have a lovely weekend and stay safe☺️🦅


This Week we have had a busy week. We, in English, have been learning reported speech and learning our oracy skills to communicate with each other. In Maths, we have been doing shapes and drawing angles in our book. In our topic, we have been looking at Mayan foods and farming and we drew the Mayan foods. In RE we looked at 'the last supper' and watched a video about Judas betraying Jesus. In PE we did gymnastics and we practised our handstands.  We hope you have a lovely weekend and we'll see you on Monday🙂🙂

Friday 24th March 2023

This week in English, we wrote a newspaper report on either Frankenstein, a football match or The Catch which was a video we watched earlier this week. In Maths, we looked at angles and degrees on a straight line aswell as on a circle. In P.E we practiced cartwheels and forward rolls. In Art, we designed either a death mask or an animal mask that the Mayans would wear. In R.E., we looked at paintings based on Holy Week and discussed what we could see. In Computing, we talked about how videos are made and compared a music video to an educational video. Also, in Music we listened to Rapper's Delight and discussed intruments we could hear.


Some of Hawk class went on a Jailbreak trip where we had to play against four teams. Six people had to guard balls and six people had to attack. We won two games and had lots of fun! 

Have a nice weekend and stay safe🦅
