Term 4
Week 6
This week we have been looking at the season of Spring. We went on Spring walks around the school grounds looking for changes. We also looked at the celebration of Easter thinking about how and why we celebrate it.
In Maths we worked on number bonds to 10. We used 10 frames to support our conversations and understanding of the concept.
Have a wonderful Easter break.
Mrs Bramwell
Term 5
This week we have finalised our learning on the Three Little Pigs by carrying out a Play Project. The children can choose how to show their learning by carrying out a create, build, draw or write task. We had an action packed afternoon of excitement and invited Mrs Harris down to see our results- lots of gold sticker were given out!
In Maths we have been investigating more and fewer than 10 and are beginning to explore how to record this.
Week 4
This week in English we have been continuing our learning using the Three Little Pigs. We tested our knowledge of the story by hiding part on our story map. The children were able to tell me what was missing. We also used our phonics skills to write some of the characters speech.
In Maths we are working on our bonds to 5. We are challenging ourselves to remember each one by memory- both addition and subtraction.
Have a lovely weekend.
Mrs Bramwell
Week 3
This week we have been using the story of the Three Little Pigs to support our English. We have been sequencing the story, creating story mas and retelling the story with actions.
In Maths we have been focusing on numbers within 10. We have investigate more and fewer and count backwards from 10.
Have a great weekend.
Mrs Bramwell
Week 2
We have had a wonderful time celebrating World Book Week. We used the story "The boy, the mole, the fox and the horse" to support our English work. We talked about what we want to be when we grow up and what we might need to succeed. We have some truly aspirational children who want to be doctors, postmen, footballers and hairdressers to name a few.
In Maths we focused on numbers within 10. Practicing our counting, number recognition and addition skills.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Mrs Bramwell
Week 1
In Maths this week we have been working on the numbers 9 and 10. This includes counting, items, recognising numerals and sorting.
We celebrated Shrove Tuesday by making pancakes and adding our own toppings.
Then we wrote instructions to help us remember for next time!
Have a good weekend.
Mrs Bramwell