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Term 3

Friday 6th January 2023


This week was our first week back at school after Christmas and the New Year. In English this week, we have been focusing on complex sentences to write about a space story based on a 2010 video game involving aliens. During Maths, we have been working on rounding and decimals to 2.d.p. On Thursday, we had PE. Our new sport to focus on was football and we were looking at passing the ball to each other. In computing, we went on a website called 'Scratch' and played around with characters and making them move and speak. When we did PSHE, we played a game where you would swap seats with someone if you liked a certain thing.Then we wrote in a bubble what our dreams and goals are.


We have had a great first week of Term 3! smiley

Friday 13th January 2023

This week in English, we have been practising embedded clauses aswell as watching a video called Ruins. Next week we'll be writing a story about it! In Maths, we have looked at decimals and multiplying them by 10, 100 and 1000. Our topic this term is about space and the solar system and we wrote some facts down in our books. Then we drew the 8 planets which are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.

In P.E, we have done football with the sports coaches and with Mrs Hudson we played a game where we had to get across one side to another with just a hoop. Some spots made it even more challenging and we had to get our whole team across too. In RE, we looked at some words of Jesus and thought about what they might mean. We also did Computing, where we learned about how systems work and Music where we listened to Make You Feel My Love my Adele. We talked about what we could hear, how it made us feel and if we liked it.  

We hope you all have a lovely weekend and we will see you next week☺️


Friday 20th January 2023

This week in English we wrote our stories about the video Ruins and we finished them today. We have enjoyed writing our stories and skills we've looked at previously. In maths we have been looking at different types of measuring and we have been doing division aswell. In curriculum we have been looking at day and night and where it's day in some countries of the world and dark in others. In art, we drew some pictures of space and some people did amazing pictures of Saturn and others did really good drawings of stars. In P.E, we did the same as last week but we made it harder and it was challenging. With our sports coaches, we did mini football matches which was fun.


In R.E., we learned about the eight beatitudes of Jesus and what they are teaching us. Also, we did Computing where we learned about how technology systems work (puffin crossings and online ordering systems). In Music, we listened to two versions of Make You Feel My Love: Adele and the original writer, Bob Dylan.


Have a lovely day☺️

Friday 3rd February 2023


This week in English, we have been writing about how to survive in an alien invasion and have been writing a character description. For our publishing, we have been looking at water colours to go on the back of our publishing which looked amazing! In Maths, we have been adding and subtracting decimals aswell as using our knowledge to help us complete problem solving. During Curriculum, we have been learning about an astronaut named Tim Peake as a part of our space topic. When we did P.E, we had fun playing dodge ball and games based on netball!

Have a lovely weekend☺️❤️
-Hawk class🦅

