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Term 2

Week 4


This week has been very challenging and we have been working hard, looking at Anne Frank .She is a girl who was jewish and she was alive during World War 2. She died at the age of 15 while in a consentration camp . In English, we wrote are own dairy about Anne Frank.

Week 3


This has been a wonderful week for year 6. We have been doing lots of writing in English about WW2 and in maths we have been solving lots of difficult problems involving fractions. We are proud to show some of the amazing work we have done this week. In Assembly, we had a visitor from 'Funky foods' it was amazing because she was telling us about the different foods that are healthy so we can eat them at break time. In curiculum, we have created map work and a Blitz poster. 

Week 1

We have had a brillant week in term 2. 


In our English this week, we have been doing parenthesis and dialogue, it has been based on WW2. We have been working really hard in English this week so we would like to show you one of our classmates work. Have a look at the photos.


In Maths this week, we have been doing division. We have enjoyed our work this week. We have been practicing long and short division. Even though it has been really hard, all of us are doing great.😃


In Curriclum, we have been learning about the diffrent parts of the eye. Everyone worked really hard on drawing a eye and labellingthe diffrent parts here is pictures of two of the eye drawings.


In our art, we were learning about Henry moore and we did a peice of his art we used the colours yellow and white. Everybody tried very hard and we have two art pieces we would like to show you.


