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Term 2

Friday 9th December 2022 - week 6:


We are so very nearly at the Christmas holidays! The excitement is slowly bubbling but we are working hard to stay focused on our learning! 

This week in English, we have really impressed Miss Bennett with how well we have started writing our retelling of the story 'The Lion and the Unicorn'! We have made sure that we are including Year 4 skills that we have learnt so far this term. Next week, we will finish our stories! Miss Bennett is really looking forward to reading them! In maths, we have started learning about fractions and have recapped unit and non-unit fractions and used our knowledge to compare and order them. In the afternoons, we have started learning about light and we can identify light sources and explain why the moon is not a light source. We have also been practising lots for the Christmas carol service and have some very brave children in class performing a trio performance! On Friday afternoon after our lovely Christmas lunch, we made pine cone Christmas decorations!

Have a lovely weekend everyone!

Friday 2nd December - week 5:


This week on Thursday night through to Friday morning, we had a whole class 'Evacuees' sleepover as part of our 'Children in War' unit. To start it off we had a walk around Cadbury Heath. As we got back to the evacuation area (the school), we unpacked our bags and got our sleeping areas ready. After that we sang along to some popular WW2 songs and had a dance! For dinner we had some lovely chicken or tomato soup with a side of delicious, buttered bread. We had rice pudding for desert! Then we settled down to listen to Princess Elizabeth's broadcast to children in the war. Later, we had an interesting talk about rationing and made our own bread. Did you know children were allowed fourteen sweets a week and usually ate two a day? At around 10pm we snuggled down for bedtime after making shadow puppets on the ceiling of the hall with our torches!


Miss Bennett, Mrs Harris, Mrs Chapman, Miss Maciver and Miss Lewis were incredibly proud of all of us for our brilliant, safe and respectful behaviour all evening and morning!

Week 2 - Friday 11th November:


This week, we have started our new topic called 'Children at War'. We have learnt when WW2 began which was the 3rd September 1939. The war started because Britain asked Germsny to remove their troops from Poland but they refused. Because they did not listen, World War 2 was declared. To keep the childen safe, they were evacuated. 

To help us learn about children at war, we are reading The Lion and the Unicorn, which is about a boy who gets evacuated. We have written a story opening and started a letter from Lenny's dad in the war. In our writing, we have learnt a new skill called fronted adverbials - please ask us about these at home!


In maths, we have been learning about multiplication using our 3 and 6 times tables. Did you know that multiplication is commutative?

Today, we joined the whole school for 2 minutes silence in the hall and this afternoon w drew and painted poppies to pay our respects to those that were involvded in WW2!

Week 1 - Friday 4th November


It is the first week back after half term and on Friday we had a school talent show. Some of our Fox Class members represented the talent in our class and showed off their gymnastics and martial arts skills. Miss Bennett was very proud of us as performing in front of others is a very brave thing to do! On Monday it was our special Halloween dress-up and everyone returned looking frightfully spooky!


We have published our non-chronological reports on magnets from Science Week and our work is now displayed for everyone to see!

We have done lots of art this week and have been looking at drawing. In this unit, we have so far explored mark making and how we can use straight and curved lines to create different patterns. We then used our drawing skills to create a Picasso inspired self portrait and use colour to express emotion.
