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Term 2

Week 6


This week the children excitedly wrote a letter to Santa to ask for a gift. They used their phonics skills to segments words and did some beautiful handwriting. I'm sure Santa will be extremely happy to see how well they are doing.


We had made party hats to wear to our Christmas dinner today and a small treat in the classroom to thank the children for all their hard work preparing for the nativity. We can't wait for you to see it next week.

Have a lovely weekend.


Mrs Bramwell

Week 5


This week we have been sequencing photos of ourselves. The children shared with each other what was happening in each photo and how old they think they were. They then put them in order from youngest to oldest. The children really enjoyed sharing photos of special times in their lives as well as laughing about all their baby photos.


In Maths we have been using counting songs to help us remember 1 more and 1 less to 5. We have been singing 5 little ducks, 5 little men and 5 currant buns. The children have been say "1 less than ... is ..." each time one goes.


Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Bramwell 

Week 4


This week in Dormouse class we have been looking at positional language. We worked on next to, between, on top, under, in front and behind. The children were challenged to build obstacle courses to show their understanding.


We have be thinking about what makes us special; talking about our talents and what makes us unique. I was very impressed with the children's understanding and compassion they showed to each other as they shared their passions.


Have a wonderful weekend.

Mrs Bramwell

Week 3


This week in Dormouse class we have been talking about our families. The children have shared photos with their friends and talked about where they were taken. We considered how families come in many ways but the one things we all have is love.


In Maths we have been working on numbers 4 and 5. We considered 1 more and 1 less, matched amounts and numerals as well as creating different representations.


Have a wonderful weekend.

Mrs Bramwell

Week 2


This week the children have been learning about Remembrance and why it is important to us. We shared the book "Where the Poppies Now Grow" to help us begin to understand the war and the significance of the poppy. We all painted a pebble which will be used to create an art piece linked to the whole school unit "We Will Remember Them." We also sketched a poppy into our art book using pastels.


In Maths we have been learning about circles and triangles. We have talked about their properties, used them to create pictures and sorted them. We looked at the artwork of Wassily Kandinsky and saw he uses lots of triangles and circles. This inspired us to have a go at creating our own Kandinsky inspired art. The results are amazing!


Have a fabulous weekend.

Mrs Bramwell

Week 1


What a busy first week back! We started on Monday with a spooky day Dormouse class had been replace with a group of witches, cats and monsters! We carved pumpkins, made potions and painted spooky pictures. 

We learnt about Diwali, the Festival of Light. The children made some excellent comparison between celebrations they know, such as birthdays, and Diwali. We made footprints to welcome the Goddess Lakshmi, learnt the story of Rama and Sita and made diva lamps.


In Maths we have continued our learning about the numbers 1, 2, 3- making comparisons, spotting them around the classroom and writing the numerals.


Have a good weekend.


Mrs Bramwell
