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Term 2

As mathematicians we have been learning the part-whole method and using stem sentencers to discuss what are parts and what is the whole. Through oracy we have discussed how our number is made up and began to write number-sentences as well as fact-families.


As artists we have explored colour-mixing using water colours and powder paint. We then developed these skills in the discovery area independently. We found various different colours and shades we could make based on amounts of colour mixed. 



We began our new focus this week by learning about soldiers and how we remeber people who died in wars.

We made purple poppies as they help people to show respect to animals who died in wars.


We have been using our continued skills and knowledge to build upon our learning. For example, by colour mixing to make a world, building a bridge and also creating poppies.

As artists we have been looking at the cover of our class text and trying to recreate the colours. We mixed black to make paint darking and white to make it lighter.

As mathematicians we have been using part-whole to write number sentences and using fact-families to find different ways to show the same answer.

As mathematicians we have been adding and finding number bonds to 10 by making up our own games. We have also been matching up the words and the number and blending using our phonics. 

We have also opened up the London Booking Office, and children have used oracy to offer deals on London attractions and landmarks using their new-found knowledge. 


We have also been discussing and sorting physical and human features within the world and having discussions to determine if humans made or created things or had an influence on them.

Children also came up with their own ideas and have been adding them to a group board. 

We were Historians this week learning all about our new focus based around life in the past 'Victorian Christmas.'

We dived into our focus by visiting a local museum and looked at different toys and artefacts. We found out that people in the past did not have the same resources we have in the present such as plastic and therefore most toys were made from wood.

We looked at other items around the home like the iron and washing machine only to find they were non-electronic and heated through a fire within the house. 

As our topic progresses, we hope to learn more about life in the 1800s. 

Another busy week as we prepare for Christmas and our nativity. We can barely fit everything in!

As ever we have been busy trying new fruit and veg for our 'Try it Tuesday' and this week we had physalises and they were sweet like tomatoes but also like oranges. 

We have also been mathematicians using tens-frames to count more. We wrote our number sentences on tables and challenges ourselves to read number problem stories and find the number sentence. 
