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Term 1

Friday 4th November 


We had a spooky start to term! 


As well as absolutely loving scaring the life out of all the adults, Badger class finished their river models! 


Have a look at our pictures showing the journey of a river from source to sea. We are very proud of them :) 

Friday 21st October


We had our adults in to share our learning! We made boats and tested them on water. We also made different clouds as we are learning about the water cycle. We loved having you in, adults! We taught our adults how to do a plickers quiz! We all learnt that there are 12 rivers in Bristol! 

Friday 14th October


What a messy but fun week! 


We used mod rock to add a 3D element to our river models. The mod rock shows the mountains and hills where our rivers begin. This is called the source. We painted them today and will be labelling the different parts of the river next week. 

We worked hard on editing our work in English. Mrs Timms gave us a whole class reward for being so respectful and mature with our peer-marking. 

In maths we have been adding and subtracting. Today we moved on to missing number problems. We are also working on our speed with recalling the 5 x table. 


Next week is SCIENCE WEEK! 


Have a lovely weekend :) 

Friday 7th October 


We are working very hard on our adding and subtracting skills in Maths. We are also learning ways to use our mental arithmetic skills rather than our fingers to count in 10s and 5s. 


In English we have written an explanation for the Water Cycle. We made mini water cycles in a bag and brought them home to hang on a sunny window. Some of us have seen condensation forming already! 


This afternoon we started planning our river models with our partners. We are excited to use modrock next week to make our mountains or hills 3D! 


Friday 30th September 


In English we have been learning how to write a list and how to write compound sentences. 


We learnt about the water cycle and made our own water cycles in a bag. 


We finished our Hokusai inspired paintings and we are very proud of them. Here they are below :) We used water colours to create warm and cool shades. 



Friday 23rd September 

What a busy week we've had! We have almost finished our Hokusai inspired paintings and loved using the water colours. We learnt that oil pastels repel paint! 


We have moved on to adding and subtracting 1, 10 and 100 in maths. Our times table rock stars accounts are all up and running for us to practise our times tables at home. 


In English we planned our own river journeys, imagining we were floating along on a little boat. On Monday we will be writing a recount using our plans. 


Today we had our first session visiting our school library! We enjoyed exploring and reading the books. 


Have a lovely weekend everyone :) 


Friday 16th September 

We have been mixing water colours to test out the different shades we can make before producing our final piece of art. It will be called 'The Great Wave' - inspired by Hokusai- stay tuned and watch this space! 


In Maths we have been comparing numbers using greater than, less than and equals. 


We enjoyed writing our setting descriptions in English. Have a look below to one Badger class wrote all together! Can you spot our expanded noun phrases? 


Setting description

By Badger Class


The little girl sails her wooden, silver boat. Above her head, orange, cheeky gibbons are swinging through the trees. She can hear colourful parrots squawking loudly and dangerous snakes hissing on the muddy jungle floor. She can hear tigers fiercely growling and smell exotic flowers on the banks. In the distance, the little girl can see a large waterfall that sparkles with hints of turquoise and purple.

Friday 9th September 


Badger class have settled in brilliantly this week! They have risen to the Year 3 expectations and have got stuck in to their curriculum unit already! 


Our first unit is called 'Ship Shape and Bristol Fashion'. We have explored the meaning of the unit title and have began our learning around the book 'A River' by Marc Martin. 


We have started exploring art work by the artist Hokusai and are excited about producing our final piece inspired by Hokusai's 'The Great Wave'. 


We have spent a lot of time this week practising our place value skills in Maths and using resources to solidify our knowledge. 


Thank you Badgers for such a lovely first week smiley
