Term 1
Week 7
This week we have been reviewing all the phonics sounds we have learnt so far and practising blending them together to read.
In Maths we have been focusing on the numbers 1, 2 and 3 finding examples of them, counting and recognising the numerals.
We have been exploring materials for Science week. We learnt about some of the different kinds of materials and their properties. We used this knowledge to help us decided which materials to choose to make umbrellas.
Have a wonderful half term.
Mrs Bramwell
Week 6
In Maths this week we have been looking at repeating patterns. The children have been copying, continuing and sometimes creating their own. We even tried to trick the children by making mistakes and they spotted them all straight away!
We have spent some time comparing our lives to other children's lives in different parts of the world. The children have been able to talk about how their life is similar or different really well.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Mrs Bramwell
Week 5
This week in Maths we have been comparing items by size, amount, height and length. The children have been fantastic at using the comparison language that goes with each of these such as taller or large.
We have learnt the next 4 phonemes in phonics- ck, e, u and r. The children worked incredibly hard to read and write them.
We have been working on our self portrait skills using a mirror to sketch and paint ourselves.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Mrs Bramwell
Week 4
Well done Dormouse Class we have successfully completed our first full week!
We have continued our phonics learning another 4 new phonemes and learning how to blend them together to read. Next week we begin our reading practise sessions which will be using wordless books initially moving on to phonic books when we're ready.
We went on an Autumn walk around the school grounds this week talking about how things change as Autumn arrives.
In maths we have been looking at matching and sorting items.
Have a lovely weekend.
Mrs Bramwell
Week 3
This week staying for lunch has definitely been an experience- I can safely say fish finger Friday was a hit!
We have continued learning new sounds in phonics and started to use them to read some words. The children are working hard to learn the routines that go with phonics and have really impressed us with their listening skills.
We learnt the poem "Tall Pointy Hat" this week. The children have been reciting it every day. We have also had some very in-depth conversations about the characters in our story time books. We even had enough time to do a bit of yoga!
Have a lovely weekend.
Mrs Bramwell
Week 2
This week all of the children have been in class together and once again they have shown what a fabulous bunch they are! We have worked together to create many different construction pieces, shared resources and even taking turns when needed.
We also started our phonics this week learning the first 4 phonemes. They children worked hard to remember both the sound and the prompt picture that helps us remember it.
Have a lovely weekend- see you for lunch next week!
Mrs Bramwell
Week 1
What a fantastic start to school we have had! The children have settled in brilliantly to their first week in school.
We have practised the three school rules; Be Ready, Be Respectful, Be Safe and talked about how we can show that we are following them. We introduced the Zones of Regulation and how the coloured characters can help us explain our feelings.
The children have had the opportunity to explore all the different areas of the classroom both inside and outside and we went for a peek around the rest of school to see where everyone else is!
Have a wonderful weekend.
Mrs Bramwell