Term 1
We have been settling in to our new class really well.
We have been exploring the provision and developing our presentation skills ready for our new books. We have also been learning about our new curriculum theme and discussing what we will be learning this term.
As Geographers we have been exploring our surroundings and noticing different features. Such as, tress, paths, forests, roads, ponds, benches and playgrounds.
We then labelled these on a map, which is called an aerial view, and found the different parts of our school ground. We also had a go at making our own map. Some drew them and others made them using construction materials.
We are artists, problem solvers, historians and geographers. We are busy making maps of the school. Discovering the events of Queen Elizabeth and plotting them on a timeline. We have been developing our counting skills and using numicon to count forwards and backwards. We also wrote letters as a character from a book using some fantastic sentences. In art we have been developing our Pop Art skills and creating images of our faces using pattern and lines.
We are exploring the UK! We are really gaining knowledge with our world and looking at the United Kingdom. We have been finding places on a map and locating landmarks.
Within our discovery area we have been problem solving and collaborating to create recreations of countries and cities.
In maths we have been looking at ordinal numbers and we had a race to see who came first, second and third. We then used practical maths to compare numbers in groups.
We have been busy learning about seasons and exploring our local community. We went on a local walk and looked out for features such as roads, paths, woodlands and parks. We then searched around for different trees as well as leaves and conkers. We found a map with a key and then walked back across a bridge with a view of Bristol and Warmley.