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Term 3

Term 3 - Week 6


This week we have been continuing our learning using the book "Stickman."  He sent us a video asking us for help because he got lost again. We made missing posters describing what Stickman looks like so others can keep an eye out. 


We have also been carrying out activities linked to Children's Mental Health week. The focus this time was "Let's Connect." We shared the story Room on the Broom thinking  about the connections the characters made in the story and whether they were helpful. We found that dancing makes us feel better and played a very exciting teamwork game with a hoop! 

Some of our families were able to join us to share our in our learning and support us to make rainbows. 


Have a wonderful half term.

Mrs Bramwell

Week 5


This week we have been using the book Stickman to help us with our learning. We have been sequencing the story and thinking about all the different feelings Stickman has through the text. 

In Maths we have been focusing on addition. The children have been working on understanding the concept of combining 2 groups and finding out the total and how to record the calculations. They have been incredible this week!

Have a good weekend.

Mrs Bramwell

Week 4


This week we have been learning about Winter and explored our wonderful school grounds to look for signs. We saw frosty leaves and the pond was frozen over. We noticed the ground was very hard and we all felt the cold. We identified that frozen things in the sun had started to melt. As a challenge we are working on remember the words "evergreen" and "deciduous" to describe the different trees- Mrs Hudson was very impressed with the class.


In Maths we have looked the numbers 6, 7 and 8 looking and composition, counting and number recognition.


Have a great weekend.

Mrs Bramwell

Week 3


This week we have been learning about the celebration "Lunar New Year" and some of the activities that take place during the festival. The children have tried using chop sticks, explored Chinese writing and did a dragon dance. We enjoyed making comparisons between celebrations we have learnt about and the Lunar New Year the children are great at spotting similarities!


In Maths we have had a mixture of learning opportunities. We have looked and equal and unequal groups of objects, capacity- using water and different sized containers and weight. The children have been able to explore these opportunities independently.


Have a good weekend.

Mrs Bramwell

Week 2


This week we have been reviewing the Zones of Regulation. They help us to understand our feelings and show us different ways to self regulate. We have been learning that all feelings are valid and while we would like to be happy in the green zone all the time this is not always the case. To facilitate these conversations we have created a piece of art.


In Maths we have been working towards understanding what number bonds are and learning the ones up to five. This has been through games and songs. The children also decided they were going to measure some things using links and created a chain.  They started small and before they knew it they had measured each other, Mrs Harris and the school hall!


Have a good weekend.

Mrs Bramwell

Week 1

Welcome back Dormouse class. Despite only having 3 days this week we certainly have been busy!

The children were thrilled to share their Christmas experience with each other talking about gifts, family and how they celebrated. We also looked at photos of a Victorian Christmas and made comparisons between our Christmas and those.

In Maths we have been recapping 1 less by using the songs 5 Little Ducks, 5 Currant Buns, 5 Little Monkeys and 5 Little Men in a Flying Saucer to help. We use 5 frames and cubes to help us practically. The children have been using them independently to show their understanding. 


Happy New Year!
Mrs Bramwell 
