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Class information

About us:


Badger class is made up of a mix of children from year 3 and 4 and what a lovely group we have!

Miss Starling is the class teacher Monday to Friday with Mrs Chapman covering Monday and Tuesday afternoons for PPA and ECT time out of class. We are also lucky to have Mrs Saddler's support during our maths lessons too. 


Our PE days are Monday and Friday afternoons so please can all Badgers wear their PE kit on these days with no earrings and long hair tied up. 

Badgers need to read 5 times a week and practice Times Table Rock stars daily. Times table practice is really important to help our year 4's in their multiplication check in June. We are doing well but obviously practice time in class can be limited, so we thank you for your support in enhancing the children's progress. 


Just a quick reminder too that no fidgets/toys/ accessories are to be brought into school.


Badger class have got off to a wonderful start and it is so lovely getting to know you all. Here's to a fantastic year together!

