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If you require paper copies of any of the following information, please contact the school office.


  • Safeguarding Lead | Annie Harris (Headteacher)
  • Deputy Safeguarding Lead | Laura Hudson (Deputy Headteacher) and Antonia Slater (SENCO)
  • Safeguarding Governor | Sarah Bennett



At Cadbury Heath Primary School all staff, both teaching and non-teaching, have a responsibility to care for children and to take appropriate action if there are concerns around a child's welfare.


This may also involve referrals and liaising with outside agencies including the Access and Response Team (ART).

There are clearly defined procedures around safeguarding and all staff are kept up to date with these procedures. Last whole school training was updated in September 2020.

In addition we ensure that all staff are safe to work with children and have up to date DBS checks and that we follow safer recruitment practises.


The welfare of the children is paramount in our school.


Our full safeguarding policy can be found on our policies page.


OFSTED Findings January 2020:


'Staff are well trained to make sure that pupils are safe and protected. They are alert to any signs that a pupil may be at risk. They report any concerns to the right people straight away. The safeguarding team work well with outside agencies and follow up any concerns with thoroughness and speed. They make sure that these pupils receive the right support they need.'

Useful Links (National Domestic Violence Helpline) (Domestic Abuse Support Services)


